Natibaby Exclusive My Little Unicorn *baby* woven wrap


Browse Wishlist


You’ve waited days, and months, and maybe even years for this baby! You’ve dreamed, and planned, and collected for this baby! You’ve done everything you can to make life beautiful, and wonderful, and perfect for this baby! But you feel like one thing is still missing…. what could it be!??!?! PAXbaby can tell you what that missing something is; you NEED a My Little Unicorn wrap to complete your baby’s childhood! The perfect wrap to snuggle with, grow up with, and remember forever, My Little Unicorn is a magical bamboo cotton blend ideal for hugs, and kisses, and loving! MLU *baby* is a reweave of a PAXfavorite Natibaby wrap!

My Little Unicorn *baby* is 50% Viscose Bamboo/50% Cotton!

*happy babywearing*

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kokadi nati babylonia sleepingbaby lennylamb girasol hopp tula tekhni bamberoo beco angel wrapsody emei Je Porte Mon Bebe