All the Tula Baby Carriers are lovely, but there is something extra special about a Wrap Conversion Tula made from a beautiful woven wrap exclusive to PAXbaby! You could even say that these baby carriers are so special & exciting that the opportunity to own one would make you squeeeeeee. All you squeeeful babywearers, come now and comment here so I can hear the resounding echo of your SQUEEEEE! I want to hear it loud & clear from everywhere that this gorgeous rainbow Tula would be loved, appreciated, and worn every single day without fail!
PAXfriend Amy B and her baby enjoying their own Vice Versa *cream* Tula!
Here is the drumroll, here is the lead up, here is the anticipation….. This Tula Wrap Conversion is a Vice Versa *cream* FULL TODDLER that looks something like the photo shown above and costs $340. If you don’t have the SQUEEEE for such a TULAlovely, please don’t enter! If you don’t have the budget for such a TULAlovely, I have an array of colorful canvas Tulas that aren’t so pricey – let me show them to you here! But if you have a baby who will fit well and you drool over rainbows & full wrap conversions, enter by commenting on this blog post! Write me a love note, but be sure to be signed into your account so I can access your email address! A random winner will be emailed Thursday, and PayPal will need to be exchanged by midnight or a new recipient will be chosen!
Good luck!
This is one if my favorite wraps & we don’t have a Tula!
Dear Pax peeps
We love you!! We love rainbows!! We love Tulas!!
Merry Xmas xxx
Dear Vice Versa
How I long to hold my little one close in your warm embrace. You will light up my days and bring a smile to my face as you settle the screeching baby that yearns to be carried.
Lots of Love
Dear Pax peeps
We love you!! We love rainbows!! We love Tulas!!
Merry Xmas xxx <3
Pick meeeeeeee!!!!
My heart leaped when I saw this lovely. I am a military mommy and we live in Germany. I have been searching high and low and always try for the tula stockings but have not had luck. My little Max man is ready to size up to a toddler and I would love to have that be a beautiful WC like this. We use our standard set sail Tula at least twice a day when taking big sister to German Kindergarten, Max loves his awesome ride and looks at the other kids being pushed in strollers and waves. He knows he has the coolest ride around!
In short I would love this Tula, I would never sell this Tula or trade it until we are done with baby wearing and when that day comes I definitely want to pass on the love and give to a momma who doesn’t have the funds for a WC <3 Please pick us! 
<3 please let it be me
Love Pax rainbows! VV cream is gorgeous, especially as a Tula.
Pick meeee!!! This one has me signed in.
Squeeeeeeeeee! Oh my goodness! The amazing and absolutely gorgeous VV. Swoon. <3
Loooove this! Both my toddlers would love for this new mama pouch to come live with us!
How beautiful !!! Squeeeee
Such a beautiful fun rainbow. I would love to get one for my rainbow baby!
This Tula Lovely definitely makes me SQUEEEEEE! <3
Please!!!! My dream Tula!
I adore PAXbaby and this Vice Versa Tula WC! I’ve been hoping for a rainbow Tula at retail and Vice Versa is perfection. Please pick me so my babies and I may enjoy its loveliness! <3 LOVE!
I NEED VV in my life!!!
We are already in love with babywearing. Especially with our canvas Tula’s (Primrose and Elephant Parade). But we will love to own a wrap conversion Tula. And especially this beauty on the photo from Paxbaby. My twins are 20 months old and ready to move up to the toddler size. You will make my day (and of my daughters) if I can purchase this one…
Gorgeous! !!
Vice Versa is the best tula that has ever been made. Soooooo gorgeous. I would just about do anything to own one. Please pick me so it can come and live with me in Aotearoa
A very merry Christmas time preparation to you and your lovely family <3
Oooo! I love the VV! My not so little girl would love the pretty rainbow!
This mama has been waiting for a beautiful rainbow Tula and what is more beautiful than a Vice Versa Rainbow! Jaxon and I have been waiting for a perfect rainbow tula to wear him in every single day. We will love this until he tells me he doesn’t want to be worn anymore! Thank you for the opportunity to be able to have a chance at a dream come true!! WE LOVE PAXBABY!! <3
The most amazing rainbow of all time and…a FULL. Eeeeeeeeek, just eeeeeeeek
Yes please. It’s gorgeous.
OH!!!!! OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I’d totally love this. I would treasure it and pass it on to my firstborn grandbaby. Well, when they’d fit into it. Until then, I’d wear my own chunk until she can’t fit and then wear any following chunks that might be in the works. Then when I’m done with my chunks, I’d hide it in a closet and pet it until the first chunk grandbaby is born.
This was less like a love note and more like a stalker-gram.
Sorry. My excitement could not be contained.
Hi..This is a lovely tula n my baby boy will look so good in it. Oh please let me win..I never win anything
Thank you for having this draw
I ? babywearing
Me me me please
I’m a one Tula kinda girl and vv is my DISO!!! Once I find something that I absolutely love, I wear it every single day and get ridiculously attached to it. This Tula would stay in my life forever!!!
Hi Jillian,
So I’ve often said that a WC Tula is like your favourite wrap and your favourite Tula got together and made a baby…Well this is the most wonderful baby there ever could be. And with the arrival of baby Cate, there are all kinds of babies on my mind at the moment. Whilst circumstances dictate that we must wait 6-9 months before we can make our own wonderful new bub, perhaps this beautiful baby could come live with us and our lil Kerjigger until then. Right now a little voice in my head is saying “I want all the babies, VV Tula babies and beautiful little squishee babies” I’m finding it hard not to listen…
Thank you for bringing so many lovelies into our lives Surprise Rainbow, Ooga Spooky, and the delightful RR. I know sometimes people give you guys a hard time. But I appreciate all the hard work you do and for sharing your lovely Paxfamily with us. You are amazing and an inspiration.
I hope you, your family and all the Paxmummies have and excellent Christmas and a new year that brings you even more delight than the last.
X Jenea
Squeeeeeee! Would love a WC Tula. I’m never in the right place at the right time so oortunities like these are all I have. I have a beautiful girl ready and waiting to rock this Tula out!
I would love this – my 2 year old is getting jealous of her sisters wraps and I love the colours!
I would love you forever!!
My goodness! I will be happily ever after if I win. Please chose me! Please chose me! Please chose me!…. Thousand times repeat from now on.
Wow amazing!! Love to win the draw!
It’s my dream to own a full toddler Tula! Pretty please ??
We’re new to tula wearing and absolutely love rainbows!! My grandparents have just passed away within 6months of each other and I believe they are in the rainbows and would be a beautiful thing to carry my 18month in a beautiful rainbow! Something that will be very very loved!
Oh , i need this Tula !
PaxMommy you rock !
Pleaaaaaaaaaase i want it !
OMG! I would love this!!!
Earlier tonight, I was scrolling through my newsfeed and my 3 yo was looking over my shoulder. He saw a pic of #babycate and said, “Ahhh…….that’s a cute baby.”
I love that Pax always has the best Tulas and that you all love to share the joy of baby wearing with all mommas. Thank you for being such a fantastic company!
Of all the rainbows, this is the most beautiful! It is perfect for my little guy! Thanks for the opportunity!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
My baby needs
A vice versa too??
I’m a WC less mama with a toddler who would love this gorgeous Tula!!! I WOULD JUST SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE if I had the opportunity to purchase this beauty??
I don’t have a wrap conversion and I’d love this one for my toddler!
I’ve dreamt of this lovely tula and have never won anything time and again. Hope this will be my chance. Much love. Tate’s mommy (Liu-dan An).
We desperately need to upgrade to a toddler! Amazing! So excited.
This would be so excellent for my growing baby!!! Please please please!!!
Half the fun of baby wearing for me is the opportunity to be involved in random draws like this! Thanks so much!
VV is absolutely stunning as a Tula!!! I would be absolutely stoked to rock this
To my dearest Jillian,
Thank you for sharing your precious family moments with me. I feel all warm and fuzzy when I see the smiles on your children’s faces. Keep sharing the love!
Yay! So lovely!
Oh, how I would love to have the privilege to purchase such a beauty! I have tried at the majority of all WC stockings but have super slow DSL internet here at Misawa Air Base, Japan! Please consider our family before our youngest (and last
) is to old to “go up”.
Merry Christmas to the Pax Family!
SQUEEEE!!!!! This is the most lovely, beautiful, rainbow of light! I would carry my toddler every chance, every day if I got the chance to buy this amazing rainbow beauty. I am 33 weeks along w my second (who is kicking with excitement at the moment) and will be helping my toddler adjust to a new family member by wearing her and tandam wearing as much as I can……. And this is the perfect carrier for that! Oh how we love rainbows and love paxbaby! Thanks for providing so much babywearing love and knowledge to help mamas and dadas and everyone keep their babies so close! And for loving rainbows too !
P Pure Love for
A. All children, unique. A
X Xerox they are not.
B Born with compassion
A And a yearning for truth
B Baby Cate knows her family, blended through
Y You will wrap her with LOVE. Paxbaby True.
Ahhhh why are all the tulas so lovely? This one is also beautiful and I’d love it to replace my old faithful canvas who could do with a break and a wash !
I just happen to be looking for a toddler carrier and just as I was beginning to despair Paxbaby was there!
In my newsfeed up popped a Tula, and I started to hula!
but to win the chance to buy this beauty I must write a love note
and as you can see i’m not very good at that so this will have to do!!
Happy Holidays to you and your crew!
So lovely! And a full conversion… I <3 Tula.
I would absolutely loooove to win this Tula. Can PayPal right away. Thank you for considering me!!
Oh yes please PaxAngel!
Shine some Tula love our way!!!
Oh my yes please! This would make the absolute best Christmas present EVER!!!!
Oh my word! What a dream!!!! I’ve been coveting and tying to find/win/buy a VV for so long. This would be amazing!!! You guys rock. My ten moth old is growing and this would be the perfect Tula to snuggle her in every day. Will go back to bed now with visions of it coming home with me
Ahhhh! The torment, this is incredible!! We would love to carry our angel is this gorgeous Tula!! Xx
Dear Santa Paxmommy,
My toddler is the ray of sunshine which all my rainbows start with. We would love this rainbow Tula!
Fingers crossed.
Thank you,
A Hamlyn
This would be just perfect for our toddler wearing days.
This would definitely be a Christmas Miracle for me! Thank you for the chance <3
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OMG this is my ultimate tula!!! The most devine thing I have ever seen!!! I would be on top of the world if I won the chance to buy this beauty
<3 sooo pretty!! this would get a lot of love at our house!
If I was picked for this vice versa cream, it would be such a dream,
My big baby girl would think it is rather swell,
And of course hubby would be impressed as well
I would absolutely adore this. Way too beautiful xx
No words, there are not enough words for how magnificent this Tula is!
What a beautiful tula!
Wow wow wow SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! I would love for my first Tula to be THIS Tula so much squee
Devine!!! Perfect size for my now 20 month old!! Fingers crossed here in Australia xx
I would loooove this for my boy’s birthday this friday
*Drool drool* Absolutely beautiful!!
I love VV and i would LOVE a full wrap conversion tula in this beautiful wrap.
OH MY GOSH! Yes please!!! It’s so beautiful!
I’d just love to own this beauty!!!! My toddler would look so adorable in it too
Oh my this wrap conversion is beyond amazing. I would use daily and keep forever and ever!!! PLEASE pick meeee!
I would love a vice versa Tula! My super active toddler is outgrowing the standard Tula we use currently, and avv would be super special for us! Thanks!
We would Love this Tula!!!! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
Oh, how I love thee (and this amazing Tula)!!!
We would Love this Tula! Thank you for the opportunity!!!
We need this! <3 thank you paxbaby! This would make our Christmas complete
I would love a VV Tula, thanks for the opportunity <3
Please! So beautiful!
I would love this’
I am in love with the vice versa rainbow, especially in cream weft! Would love the chance to get one for my big boy! <3
Ooooooooooh tooooo beautiful!!! ????????????????????
Oh the places we would go with a TULA WC
Some tulas are red,
Some purple, some green.
But Vice versa is the prettiest
That I’ve ever seen!
So bright and so cheery
All the colors of the rainbow
With my baby strapped on
Imagine where we’d go?
Hiking or shopping,
The beach or the jungle.
A quiet night at home
With my baby close to snuggle.
So how will she spend
These short years as my baby?
Carried next to my heart
Where she’s always meant to be.
SQUEEEE! Omg omg I LOVE this! A dream Tula for sure. It would be magical to carry my little Josephine in this! Please, please, please consider us <3
This is my DISO! Love VV! And a full toddler?! Oh my!
Oh my, it is so beautiful. We want a full Tula WC rainbos os badly. It would be very loved here.
Please enter me in the drawing.
This is stunning as a conversion!,
Gorgeous! VV love here and my baby is heading into toddler size in the next couple of months! This would happily be a treasured carrier in our home!
Would love this!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!! My middle and youngest are still being carried and I have yet to find a toddler Tula that we love. This would be so perfect for us and would be oh so loved forever and ever
I so wish I had started baby wearing with my first but I will soak it all in with my second and third and remember these special times forever
((And my oldest now has her own wraps for her “babies” so one day when she’s a mama she will know much more than I did and never miss a day carrying her babies
)) Thanks again for the chance and for all the help you and the rest of the pax mommies have provided on my awesome baby wearing adventure 
Pick me! My birthday is coming up on 12/23 this would be the best bday gift EVER!
Would love to win! We need a toddler size
Thank you for the opportunity to enter to buy this tula! Have a wonderful holiday season paxfamilies!
Please! So beautiful!
Would love this!!!
This tula is truely lovely. We would love to have it live and be worn in our home!!
Oh VV how I love and miss thee… We outgrew our standard and been dreaming of a toddler. Please Tula gods make snagging this one not a bother,
My LO would look fab in this Tula. We are a two mommy household and rainbows are where it’s at! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you
This is amazing! So excited for just the chance to own this!! Thanks!! I love you guys!
Please enter me! Squeeeee!
Please please please….. Sarah loves VV and Tula!!!!!!
Squeeee! Omggg this is amazinggggg <3<3 I will love you forever VV<3<3
this is so pretty. we would love to own it
I love this!!! Please pick me!!!
OMG! I need this!
We would absolutely LOVE to win this Tula! I have not had much luck at stalking WC Tulas and have spent countless hours trying to get one. My daughter just celebrated her second birthday a few days ago, and this would be an amazing gift for us. It would definitely be loved for many years in our possession. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win purchasing rights for this carrier- it’s so gorgeous!
With Love,
Meri (and little Norah!) Kauffman
I would love to be entered in this fun opportunity! <3
Love this
It’s so pretty!!!!
Beautiful Tula!!
Well let me see if I can rephrase this. I would love to own it. Im the mother of five and tula isn’t just my carrier its a lifeline to the outside world. Its my key to dishes done and keeping Remy up and out of the way of his older siblings. See he has a tendency to get run over. When my husband is away it is a way to get to the gym, the gym, and to getting everybody out of the house without it becoming a serious production. I can and still do that with my canvas. However, my little boy has his own ideas about naptime and it doesn’t work for naptime. Its also a bonding time that he and I wouldn’t have otherwise. Ill be honest I have owned other wrap conversion tulas and had to get rid of them. This last one was because I was told that I was going to have to have brain surgery and I needed to help cover Christmas. So I did. Well Christmas is covered for the others but Remy and I have lost much cuddle time and I need to be honest I regret it.
As far as the brain surgery, I am waited for doctor to figure out what to do. They drug their feet so much over the past two months its going to have to wait till after our PCS in Jan. So I get to start over with that. I learned a valuable lesson and if you get something that makes naptime a reality hold onto it with both hands. I could tell you a dozen other things that have made this year rough but honestly if you could help me take naptime back I would really be blessed for it and this would never go anywhere. Thanks for your time
Darla and Remy
Beautiful Tula! Thanks for the opportunity
I love rainbows too Jillian!
Love Pax always surprising the Tula addicts with even better tulas!!!
My DD would love this tula because you know its for her only
This is amazingly beautiful! I would be grateful of such a lovely Tula. Thanks Paxbaby you guys are awesome
A lovely rainbow!!!
I had given up hope of ever owning this gorgeous colorway in cream by Gira until now! It’s my DISO and turns out, as much as we love wrapping, my LO and I are becoming big fans of WC carriers and SSC! Thank you to all the PAXmamas and Jillian for this oppuritunity to enter! Fingers crossed and Happy Holidays!
This Tula is amazing! I would love this for my toddler!! Thanks so much
I had given up hope of ever owning this gorgeous colorway in cream by Gira until now! It’s my DISO and turns out, as much as we love wrapping, my LO and I are becoming big fans of WC carriers and SSC! Thank you to all the PAXmamas and Jillian for this oppuritunity to enter! Fingers crossed and Happy Holidays!
Oh my goodness!!!!! This is a yummy sherbet rainbow… daughter would looooovvvveeeee this????
This is amazing! Thanks for this chance!!
This was the first rainbow I really loved. What an amazing opportunity!!! I absolutely love this Tula! It combines everything a momma and her toddler could want.
Tula, toddler, vice versa rainbow, and a full? I have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head for sure! Merry Christmas and happy babywearing to me!
Hello! I`m not sure if I`m eligible to join cause i live in Japan. But i would like to give it a try.
Oh those rainbows. Be still your heart every time.
And toddler size at that! So he can plop right in and cuddle up close. To the store or around the house when he needs extra lovings!! Woot woot!
All I want for Christmas is a beautiful toddler Tula to carry my beautiful toddler. It would be our first Tula ever!
Beautiful WC
You are the Queen of Rainbows and Vice Versa is Amazing! I would love this for “my” baby #7
Paxmommy Brianna, <3
This Rainbow will only suffice,
this Toddler VV,
My eyes have only seen twice,
it is by far the most nice.
Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter
my heart SQUEEEEEEE's with excitement.
Diamond Weave, YES please, oh please !!!
This Momma's fourth and Last LO,
would SQUEEEEEE with Joy,
for the creamy white DIAMONDS snuggling her close,
to her mothers beating Heart
as two become one, as though in the womb,
our hearts beat together,
the way it should be.
Snuggling in this ohhh so AMAZING tula VV,
MUST be for me, I cant wait to see!!!
Thankyou for this lovely opportunity to possibly win a TODDLER VV, I most definitely have a baby who will fit well and I do drool over this rainbow.This Tula would be loved, appreciated, and worn every single day without fail, for our fourth and last lo is the apple of my eye and i live to snuggle with her to my hearts fullest content !!!
Jillian it is so amazing of you to do draws like this!!! I love watching all your family pics and baby Cate pics!! I have twin 14 months olds and we would loooove to have the chance to wear a beautiful conversion like this
as of now I have my fingers and toes crossed 
LOVELY! I would ADORE it and hoard it forever and ever until my baby days are done. And then some.
I recently lost my third and I’m ready to have a rainbow in my life for my older 2.
Oh my! It’s my DREAM Tula! This lovely would be cherished in this house if we are lucky enough to be the big winner!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Vice Versa is my absolute favorite rainbow! Something about those little rainbow stripes along with the big ones, but separated with the darker lines *drool*. I would about fall over if I was ever given the chance to own this rainbow in a Tula!
<3 me please !
Tosia needs WC Tula and this one is pretty <3
We need color in our life when ITS still raining and cold..
Oh My!!! SO lovely! My LO and I would so love this tula! We are ready to size up and would only need this one WC. It would get soo much love. This is my last baby and want to cherish those snuggles for as long as possible. Thanks for this lovely opportunity and for all the love you send to our baby wearing community!
Omg this is amazing! Please enter me!
So so gorgeous hopefully I win this it will be my first WC Tula!
One moore comment ;D becouse my iPhone didnt sign in
<3 please
VV is so pretty!!! <3
Squueeeeeeeeee! LOVE LOVE LOVE THANK YOU !
Thanks for the chance!
I would love this. My daughter is two and I would love to finish our babywearing days with this beautiful tula. Then I could pass on my only other wc to a wc less mama
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Really?! Are you kidding?! I would *love* on this Tula forever!! This is permanent permastash material!! <3 <3 Thank you so much for an opportunity at owning such an amazing Tula! You guys are always so awesome! Love love love!!!!
So pretty!! I would love to carry my monkey in this. Thanks for the chance to buy it.
Beautifullllllll! I would love to be entered.
I really enjoy seeing all the videos and posts of babywearing! Always so colorful and happy! Thanks for this opportunity to purchase ! This is by far one of my most favorite colorways!
LOVE the pastels in VV! So much more perfect as a Tula
I’d like to enter for my wife. This is a good christmas present! She loves it
I have always wanted a wc tula and this is so so so beautiful!
We love tulas around here! My daughter is outgrowing the standard and we would love to have a toddler to replace it! Thanks!
SQUEEEEEE – SQUEeeeee – squeeeee. I’d squeeee from the rooftops and be over the moon if I had the chance to put my chunky bubs in this rainbow.
It would be so special & exciting that the opportunity to own one would make me squeeeeeee for real!!
I am a WCless mama that has helped many others in stockings, but have yet to find luck myself. I hope to have the chance to wear my babe in a beautiful rainbow WC Tula before he doesn’t want to be worn anymore! <3
Thank you for the opportunity and for all you do to share the love. Happy holidays to you and yours!
I am brand new to the WC game and this would be a perfect way to really get something gorgeous and have a carrier that will carry us through the rest of our baby wearing days. I would be delighted to add this WC to my canvas only stash.
: )
So pretty!!!
LOVE Vice Versa and LOVE Tula!!! Fingers crossed!!
dear vv Tula,
I have longed for you since the beginning of our babywearing days. you came into our life a few months ago in wrap form and have become our one and only wrap, our go-to. but lately I find myself using our Tula more. during these upcoming cold months, our Tula is much quicker to get on and keep us warm. vv Tula… come live with us. you will be our one and only. we will provide your forever-home. you will never be abandoned or sold off for money. we will love you forever
love always,
Would love to carry my beautiful little boy in this beautiful Tula
thank you!
???????????? love love love!
Thanks!!! Happy holidays. ??
So so pretty!
Oh my! A full toddler?!! Have I told you likely how much I love you and your beautiful children Jillian? ?? well more like envious of your big beautiful family since I only have one
I’m working on it! So I can keep wearing babies!
Thanks for the opportunity. We would love for this to be our first Tula.
Perfect Tula! we Will be love it soooo much <3
Thank you for chance to get my DISO
It’s an honor to be able to follow your beautiful family and friends families through Facebook. Such beautiful people making a living off of love and raising babies:) I don’t think it gets much better than that:)
Happy holidays,
Anne D’Angelo
Oh memememe I need this for my toddler! We’ve been eyeballing conversions for a while this would be perfect!
oh my goodness!! We are about to move up in to the toddler size and what a perfect way to do it! <3
It’s so pretty!
My 10 months old love their Tulas!! Thanks for this opportunity. We are WC-less
Absolutely gorgeous, hugely desirable tula!! <3
Would love to be entered
Lovvvve, so much love in this love note for you! I would absolutely love to purchase this for my 2 year old! We are traveling to Hawaii with her and our 4 month old and this would be perfect for airport navigation! I kinda have a crush on Pax and soooo live that this is an exclusive <3 thank you Pax for the chance, can't wait for Thursday squuueeeeee!!!! Hehe
This Tula is beautiful! and my beautiful baby (I mean 2 1/2 year old, but baby to me!!) boy would look awesome in this! What am i talking about, he looks awesome anyway, but his mama would look awesome in this too!!
Thanks for sharing the Christmas joy and love! Your products are awesome and really helped start me on this amazing babywearing journey!
Peace be with your Pax family this Christmas season!
Oh SQUEE! I love this Tula, and would love to be able to buy it. I’ve never tried a Tula before but I hear they’re amazing! This would be an awesome one to have.
You are a lovely woman.
I have the squeeeeeee – for one of the most beautiful carriers I have ever seen!!
This is perfection!!!! I have been wanting to get a toddler Tula for my oldest and she just saw this and said she needs this for Christmas! Lol! Thanks for an amazing Tula!!
I love this!
Jill! Cream weft rainbows are my weakness. My husband and I will only ever have our one son and he is i quickly outgrowing being worn. He is two and a half. Full tulas are just absolutely amazing and we would love to have a vv for our one and only rainbow baby. <3
Love <3
I wasn’t signed in before!
This is perfection!!!! I have been wanting to get a toddler Tula for my oldest and she just saw this and said she needs this for Christmas! Lol! Thanks for an amazing Tula!!
How do I write a love note to a Mama that shares so much love? Love for her amazing family, love for other Mama’s and love for the entire baby wearing community? You inspire me! So my “Tula Lovely note” is written with a heart prepared to spread that love. I recently traded a toddler Tula for a rainbow standard because my loved one and I wanted one so bad, but alas it did not fit. So I sold it AT RETAIL to a Tula-less mama. It was a Diamond weft gold Deag and I could have sold it for ridiculous money but my heart is thankfully in the right place. If I had the beautiful toddler VV, know that it will stay with me and be loved one as long as I can squish him into it. It will definitely be out FOREVER TULA!! Thanks for the opportunity Pax Baby! You do incredible things!
ADORE, adore, adore this beautiful tula. I’ve been a good girl this year
We would love to have this TULA <3
My son Axel would be the perfect toddler to occupy this tula!!!! We love rainbows
How lovely! I’ve been hunting for at toddler tula for my 20 month old since she outgrew our standard but no luck. This is gorgeous so here’s to hoping I still have some luck left.
P.s. This would NOT be traded as I plan on getting tons of use from it. I’m trying to lose my baby weight (don’t ask how much! Hehe) and walking with a 30lb toddler cuddled up against me is the best exercise! I’d also be holding onto it for when my youngest outgrows her standard! I want to take both girls to Disney and the zoo and just out in general without use of a stroller. Pleeeeeeease Pax, take my money!! Sorry for typos, I’m mobile at 6am
Happy holidays to all the Paxmommies and Paxelves this season. Thanks for working hard all year long to bring us great stuff. May your days be merry and rainbowy bright and may all your Christmases be….rainbows. Oh and a special merry Christmas to #babycate so special, her first Christmas.
I LOVE this!! Thank you so much for the opportunity. This would be so loved by my little man who loves his Tulas
Love vice versa!
A beautiful WC!
WOW! VV Cream looks so beautiful and soft and just LOVELY!
We would love to have the opportunity to love on this special Lovely Tula ?
Thankyou Pax Mummas Xx
SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! And an Omgggggg!! Love it!! This would make my new year to win this!!
Dear VV Tula,
You are strikingly lovely. My sweet boy would love to have you for play dates and new friendships. He is certain you would make shopping trips a breeze and housework simple. We hope you will consider our plea and come home with us. We promise to provide never ending snugly cuddles.
A mama and her baby
Annette and Henry
My wife LOVES the Vice Versa. It is on her *wish* list. She is also loves her Tula, so being able to combine the two would make for a VERY Merry Christmas in our household.
Yes please! I tried entering before this with a longer message, Not sure if it went through. If it did this is the second one so won’t count.
I’d die. Love it!!!!!!!
YES!!!! In our household we love our rainbows we definitely have the squeeeeeeee X 138904609328, especially for VV. This is a tula that would fit our big baby but would also fit our little baby when she is ready. I had my Tulas setting out the other day and my big boy came in with a huge smile on his face and said, “Oh WOW I love a rainbow.” You would most certainly see picture spam of me or daddy and our baby boy- and never never never EVER see this for sale on spots!!!!!!
OMG. We’re outgrowing our standard right now and would love on this to no end! How beautiful!!!! I have a Carson’s Cove for my Carson and aside from that in a toddler, this is the one for us. Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, love, love this Tula and the size I need! Thanks for the opportunity!
This rainbow is gorgeous! Full disclosure:I have never even tried on a Tula before. I have been thinking about getting a canvas one for my hubs but I adore VV and this one is AMAZING,
SQUEEEEE! Enter me please.
Thank you!
Yes please, this would be the ultimate rainbow tula- and the very best first tula a girl could want!!!
Love this!!!
Gorgeous! My 2 LOs would love this rainbow!
I have always wanted a wrap conversion and need something for my little as she’s outgrown her other SSC!
Ok I’m a nut but I had to come back to squeeeeeee!!! Some more!! Excited thinking about getting this in time for Christmas if I’m given the chance to buy!!!!
Fingers crossed!!
Thank you for the opportunity to buy such a beautiful carrier! I’d love to win this for my rainbow baby <3 <3 She's the biggest joy in my life and we love to snuggle close. I wish I had discovered Babywearing earlier, I never would have registered for a baby stroller at my shower. Now it has sit in my spare bedroom, only used a few times. If I won this Tula I'd happily pass my stroller along to a family that could use it. Thanks mama!! I can't wait until the drawing Thursday!! xo
Thank you
PaxBaby has the most beautiful exclusive wraps, so it makes sense that you have the most beautiful wrap conversions. Squeeeeee, If I had this Tula, I’d never need another. <3
Tulas are the bees knees!
This is our dream Tula! Our whole family would love it! Merry Christmas, Paxfamily!
You have built such an amazing business and do such a great job of spreading the baby wearing love. Keep up the hard work, Jillian!!
So pretty is live this
Hi! Thank you for this opportunity of buying a WC Tula. I have been trying for six months. I have entered over 15 times in raffles and drawings. I’m thinking this can be my lucky time- my birthday is in 87 hours and 15 mins. My little squish would LOVE me to bring a new Tula for her to wear as my gift!!! Pick me please! If not this time, I’ll keep trying!
Love all you do and offer! You’re a truly a SUPER mom!
Hugs and hugs over the rainbows,
Sarah & Izzy ????
<3 Rainbows
I would love this tula for my last baby. Thank you for opportunity to enter.
roses are red
violets are blue
this canadian mama would love to win a tula too!
ps thanks for doing this draw!!
Never knew I could feel like this! Like I’d never seen the sky before! Want to perish inside your clips! Everyday I love you more and more! Seasons may change, winter to spring! But I love you! Until my babies refuse to be worn anymore!
OMG PLEEEEEAAAASSSEEE? I would keep it and love it and
petwear it forever!Myyyy preeeeciooussss!
Just beautiful !
This is stunning and we are Tulaless. Fingers crossed.
Oh wow, a full VV???? Drool!!
When you have a boy, carriers are a way to let your girly-girl shine!
Thank you for the giveaway and your presence in the BW world!
SQUEEEEEEE – most beautiful carrier ever!!!!
Squeeeeeee!!! Love this one! So pretty!
Oh vice versa, you should come live with me! I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him… And wear him all day long
I would love the opportunity to be lucky enough to win purchasing rights for this tula!! Thanks so much!!
Who wouldn’t love a VV Tula I know I would!
OMGGGGG!!!! This is the ultimate dream Tula!!! And we NEED a toddler!!!
This TULA is gorgeous! My dd would look lovely in these colors. I really really hope this makes its wat to my home. Thanks Pax for offering this as a draw. Love your business and love your family. You inspire me
This is gorgeous!!!!
THANK YOU for giving us a chance to own this beauty!
I love this Tula! Thank you!!!
this VV is completely drool worthy! I would love to bring it home!!
Jillian you design the best rainbows out there <3
You always have the most amazing things!
love PAXbaby!
OMG!!!! This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am a WC-less momma and would LOVE to have this one. I would wear it everyday, everywhere and with every outfit regardless of if it matched or not. I would wear my son and my daughter in this beauty! I NEED this in my life!
Oh how I would love this Tula! Thank you for the chance to purchase!
This is such a beautiful carrier!!
…..with that being said I have to say thank you to Jillian with helping me with my first ring sling, wraps and Tula! Babywearing has forever changed my family for the better. Thank you!!!
I would love this!! Love Tula. Love VV. Love Pax ??
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Rainbows are the prettiest
And so are you.
SQUEEEEEEE!!! <3 <3 <3
Such a beauty!!! I would LOVE to win this unicorn!!!! <3 <3 <3
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Rainbows are the prettiest
And so are you.
I don’t think I was logged into my account the first time. Please please enter me!!
How about a double squeeeeeee!!!!?
How pretty!
Please enter me
Yes! So lovely
Oliver and I would absolutely adore this Tula!
I LOVE this Tula!!! Thank you for the opportunity to purchase. I enjoy your posts on Facebook – especially those with baby Cate!
A love note you want? Then a love note you shall get! I LOVE Rainbows, they cheer me up on the gloomiest of days and remind me it’s not all bad and that the sunshine is out there somewhere waiting for me. They remind me that life has so many different colours, shapes and layers and to reach out and look for them. They remind me that my babies see life in such a beautiful and colourful way. I LOVE my Tula! It allows me to carry my baby close to me so he is safe and secure while playing with my other baby to make sure HE feels safe and secure. So yes you’ve guessed it, a rainbow Vice Versa Tula would be my absolute dream and I could carry my babies with pride and in style!
I can honestly say that like all good relationships, VV and I started out as friends. We have grown into a full blown love affair. We take walks everyday and have been sharing amazing memorable moments together. We are growing together(literally) and hope we can continue our love and enjoy even more together as we love our VV more than words can say. We dont want this love we have to ever come to an end.
Dear VV Tula,
I love and adore you. Ever since I first laid eyes on your beautiful rainbow I was certain they would never again see a sweeter Tula. Your stripes and weft seduced me right away. Your vertical pocket makes me squeal with delight.
Ever since that first glance I wanted you to be mine. When you were created I understood what DDDDDISO really is. I would take you everywhere with me and cherish you for always.
Your Hopeful Owner <3
I love VVs, but it seems as though I’ve always have to shunned this love out because honestly I can’t afford these market values. And I have no luck. I am not fast with my fingers! So I was never lucky enough or fast enough to ever get one of these! So, here I go. I will enter, I will pray, and hope, that I win this lovely. I need a beautiful rainbow for these dreary cold days. I will wear this sucker everyday. On my way to work to drop off my son, to pick him up, and for play dates. And when I am done. I will not sell at a ridiculous market value. Someone needs to spread the love around here. At retail. Though, this will probably be a keeper until I have grandbabies. Enough ranting, here goes nothing… (though I hope its something!)
Oliver and I would love this Tula!
This is the prettiest wrap conversion I have seen! I would love to be entered for a chance to win this beauty. My little girl would love to be snuggled in this beautiful rainbow.
I just reread-you wanted a love note! Dang it. lol. It wasn’t lovey but it was honest! <3
I would LOVE this!!!! This is gorgeous!
I would love to win the chance to buy this for my wife! I usually suck at Christmas presents but this year I know just what she wants, how cool would it be to knock it out of the park! (it’s exactly this)
LOVE VV!!! The twins will need a grogeous toddler very soon….
Thank you so much for offering the opportunity to purchase such a beautiful carrier. I love Vice Versa, I love Tula, and I love Paxbaby! What an awesome combination!
This will be my unicorn Tula and my baby doll legacy Tula it’s no going anywhere and will be permstash at our home. For my rainbow baby doll.
Gahhhhh! This would be perfect for my rainbow baby! Gorgeous!
Dearest ISO Angel
I heard a tale about an angel who goes thump in the night
I heard she likes to makes someones day sunny and bright
Rainbows and sunshine, that’s what’s she’s about
A vice versa Tula is what I need to reverse my pout
Please be mine ISO angel and give me a shout!
Ill be here gathering up my mula
For the day you decide to sell met dream Tula
With much love,
Marisol Hernandez
This is so lovely.
What a pretty Tula!! Some mom or dad (and child!) is going to have a lovely holiday because of this giveaway!
Either of my boys would love a ride in this Tula! And I love getting extra snuggles when carrying my boys, sometimes even tandem!
I have been trying to Get a wrap conversion for a while for my wife this would be her all time favorite she loves rainbows and has been in a terrible depression or some time and I think this would make her day thank you for doing this.
Gah!! This would be perfect for my rainbow baby! Absolutely gorgeous!!
Oh, PAXbaby. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Thank you for the wrap conversions and all of the rainbow filled days <3
Dear paxmommies,
Thank you for proposing us such amazing carriers!!!!!
Would be sooooooooo *don’t even know a proper name* to win the right to buy this tula!!!
Thanks a lot!
Simply gorgeous!
Would love to wrap my sweet baby girl in this beautiful Tula! Rainbows are almost unobtainable unless you have $900+ to spend so this is my one shot haha. Thank you Jillian! We would treasure it!
Love this!
Jillian! Oh my goodness! What an amazing surprise! When I read this blog I couldn’t believe my eyes! A vice versa full toddler! A dream come true,sold by my favorite retailer..that’s you.
a rainbow so lovely,a rainbow so bright.ill go to bed praying for for an email tonight. So make this mama of 6 dreams come true,who would proudly wear this tula, happy babywearing to you . Signed with rainbows and hearts and love, Natalie
Need a toddler size so bad!
Im tech challenged and wasn’t signed into my account when I wrote you the last novel. I am a mother of five and I am looking at a cross country move for my husbands army career. We own a canvas and this is my lifeline to the outside world. Its not easy but It gets me to the grocery the gym and gives me cuddles with my youngest when I am dealing with my older ones. It gives my two an a half year old a place when the world becomes too overwhelming. I have owned one and I have traded and swapped. This would be permastash because after the year I could use a little rainbow sunshine in my life. A need to write this out and maybe it will make me feel better. I lost Reilly in August at 17 weeks gestation and as a mother of five living children this is actually my third loss like this. I dream of a Rainbow Baby but as I finish out my thirties maybe I need to be thankful for what I have with my 18 month old Remy. He hasn’t napped since had to get rid of my wc to help cover Christmas. I will never make that mistake again I would love this to snuggle and bring it into my crazy chotic family at a time when I could use a little more light and love and to help recover naptime. thanks and know Its all good and have a great and happy holiday
I would love to have the chance to purchase this lovely for my little guy who is outgrowing his standard!!
We LOVE rainbows! We had a birthday party with a rainbow theme! This would be perfect for us!!
ohhhhh me please!
SQQQQQQQQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Was that one good enough? Okay, just actually picture me saying it at the top of my lungs in real life! Because that would be my reaction if I won this! I was so happy to see that it’s a toddler too because my baby no longer fits in our standard deag wc Tula and it breaks my heart because that thing is so beautiful. The one difference between wraps and Tulas that I don’t like is the fact that you can’t bring it to bed with you every night! I mean I could… But my husband is not happy already about the wraps coming to bed with us… Can you imagine his reaction to my Tulas?! Thank you for allowing this opportunity!!
Dear Jillian,
I hope you are adjusting well to your family with 7 little ones!! I would L <3 V E to wear my little girl in this gorgeous VV rainbow and brighten up the east coast winter!!
Thank you for your consideration!
Jillian! Oh my goodness! What an amazing surprise! When I read this blog I couldn’t believe my eyes! A vice versa full toddler! A dream come true,sold by my favorite retailer..that’s you. a rainbow so lovely,a rainbow so bright.illgo to bed praying for for an email tonight. So make this mama of 6 dreams come true,who would proudly wear this tula, happy babywearing to you . Signed with rainbows and hearts and love, Natalie
Beautiful we would love it
VV is such an amazing rainbow!! I would love to wear it everyday with my 16 month old
That is an amazingly beautiful wrap!! <3 it!!
My found love for Tulas.. Well I hve to start from the beginning before I ever knew Tulas existed.. I am a Army wife and a mom of three.. Every other year of our marriage my husband has either been deployed or away at training/school for several months to a year at a time.. So during these times I take the role of both mom and dad as a single parent.. It can be hard to juggle three kids as the only adult so I realized i needed a better baby carrier then the cheap store brand carriers i had to make things work at home and out on the go.. I have tried and owned a handful of non-Tula carriers but honestly i have never been completely happy with any of them.. Most carriers have a lack of visual beauty while also hving a lack of comfort as baby grows.. And of course there was always the added difficultly, which tended to be time consuming, when putting carrier on with baby… Weight never seems to be equally portioned which caused mostly back pain & shoulder pain within the short time of using.. I felt so tore at times bc i wanted the closeness of holding my babies while taking care of the other kids but couldn’t comfortably do it for to long which broke my heart.. After trying different carriers and so many disappointments I just had to accept that there wasn’t a carrier out that that is 100% heavenly until I met my first Tula WC..
A dear beautiful friend of mine lent me her tula wc to take a much needed walk to get the kids out of the house.. I was surprised at how easy it was to put on and snap in place with baby snug as a bug in it.. I walked around the house in disbelief bc I could not feel my baby’s weight at all.. It was like she wasn’t even in the carrier.. I was in shock.. no pain.. no adjusting.. just closeness I have been yearning for so long with my now third baby.. I wasnt even out the door yet to take our walk and my daughter was already asleep and completely content.. She didnt even fuss to get out so I knew she thought it was as comfortable as I did.. The walk with my 2yr old hand in hand and my 10 month old snug in the tula was just amazing.. i got to hold my 2 yr olds hand and enjoy our time together without being distracted by the discomfort factor of another carrier.. After our walk I wore my younger daughter in the tula for a long while, getting things done around the house that I needed done and taking care of the other kids all while still hving my bonding time with my 10 month old.. I loved I didnt have to leave her in a pack n play or on the floor for long periods of time to get normal everyday stuff done.. Unfortunately my dear beautiful friend did want her tula back (i am not surprised!) that nite so I needed to get on the ball and get one for myself..
I did order a tula for my younger daughter recently that I am waiting to rec but i would love a tula toddler WC for my two year old so my husband and I could actually go out places without a bulky double stroller.. With each of our daughters in a tula, my husband and I might actually be able to hold each others hand without any carrying discomfort.. Heck even one of us could hold our 6 yr old son’s hand with no problems.. Rec’ing an extra tula will make a huge difference for our family and allow us to enjoy the closeness of one another alot more… And this, Jillian, is why I am totally in love with Tulas and why I would love the Tula WC offered in this drawing so I could share it with my family.. May all the Tula lovers out there have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!- J.Sooy
I am a proud baby wearing daddy and would love to win this for my baby girl. She is a rainbow baby and lights up my life just like a beautiful rainbow after a storm. I can’t lie, my wife would also be pretty darn excited if we won this and I imagine we’d have to duke it out to see who gets to wear it first! lol. Thank you for the opportunity and remember “no woman have ever started a fight with a baby wearing daddy!” ; )
Wahoo!! This is my one and only diso!!! Oh man how wild if this could be mine!! Thanks for the opportunity!!! xoxo
I would love an entry for this lovely, thank you!
My ds will be in a toddler soon and this would be perfect for us! We are in the middle of purchasing our first home after my husband was recently honorably discharged from the Marine Corps. I drool over rainbows and this would obviously be perfect for fixing up the new house and moving!! <3 I have every extremity of my body crossed for this one! You are such an amazing woman for giving us these opportunities!! <33
This is lovely!
Squeeeeeee!!!!!! ????????????????
Roses are red, violets are blue, Vice Versa, you pretty thing, I love you!!!
Squeeeee! We would show this tula so much love!
Thank you for the opportunity! Love this!!!
A love letter to my daughter and son:
From the moment you were conceived, you have been loved with all of my heart, and I will always know what unconditional love is. One of the many ways I show my love to you both each day is to hold you close and wear you next to my heart. The warmth of all of the colors of the rainbow in this beautiful tula would make my heart overflow with the abounding love I have for you both.
Love your mommy, Heather
Hello Mommy Pax, I just wanted to say that i admired the fact that you adopted a beautiful girl. I want to do the same. I just need my hubby to agree! I already have 2 of my own. My first is 3.5 and my second is a beautiful 4 moth old girl. Adoption is the best you can do for a lil one. I know this doesn’t have anything to do with Tula, but since you gave the opportunity to write something to you, I took that opportunity. By the way I hope i can win that beautiful Tula. LOL.
Thank you,
I can’t even begin to express how much I am in love with this wc. It is truly my dream Tula for my precious little one that I have waited so long to have in my life. I can’t believe how special the bond between me and baby are and I feel that it is truly strengthened by babywearing. Please consider me for this drawing. I am wc-less and I have been saving my money for the perfect one. This is it! Thank you!
Huge rainbow mama here . This would be the most incredible Tula to love my squishy in!!!
Squuuuueeeeee Me please!
Huge rainbow mama, I would squeeeee and jump for joy!!!
SQUEEEEE!!! I just sold my toddler FB (regretfully) and am in desperate need of a replacement. Fingers crossed!!
What a beautiful wrap and such a wonderful idea. Simply marvelous!
This is gorgeous!! I would LOVE the opportunity to buy this!
Drooling over this rainbow Tula. Love you Pax for offering such a wonderful babywearing carrier!!!
This is my favorite rainbow! I would love a toddler WC Tula!! So pretty!
I have been wishing for a toddler WC and this is one of the only rainbows that I love with all of my heart! I would be so happy to have the opportunity to purchase this at retail price. Thank you for making so many people’s babywearing dreams come true! We love our zig zag Tula because my little man is on a wrapping strike but he also needs tons of cuddles because he’s getting his molars in! We would love this beautiful Tula in our house and it would stay forever ????????????
Oh my gosh! I love, love, love this!!!! We would enjoy the heck out of this amazing Tula! <3 <3 <3
SQUEEEEEEEEE! Love love this rainbow and would wear my 2 year old in it until my baby was big enough to fit in herself!!
I said to
My child
who was seeing
The most amazing rainbow
for the first time
and she pointed at the
she spoke to the
rainbow told it she loved it
How she wanted to hold it
To love it
For it to be hers Forever
Never to leave her house
and in her eyes the
became brigher
and brighter.
She (and I)
longed for the day they would
Get to see and hold
and own
for the first time.
Dear Jillian,
Would love to have this full toddler Tula VV as my Christmas gift to myself.
Have never won any random from Paxbaby and hope this will be my first.
I would love to win this beauty!!! I would use it every day! Tula is a lifesaver<3
I’d love to win this!
With a new baby on the way I know my son would feel extra special in such a gorgeous carrier! We would gladly give this a wonderful home. Thanks!
Squeeeeeeee! We still do not have a Tula rainbow or a full for that matter and this would be amazing to use with my 18 month old ds. Would love to have a chance to purchase this beautiful wc <3!
Love this!
Please please please please please universe I love this much and want it so badly!!!!! If I won thank you so much in advance !!!!! <3
Dear Jillian,
I love WC tulas and I love you. I love VV and I love rainbows. please enter me and I hope to win. Thank you!!
Would love to be entered to win the tula. I would love to have the opportunity to own a vice versa tula it’s simply gorgeous
Sending you love, blessings and rainbows this Christmas season!
Would love to have this!
A FULL TODDLER VV?!? If I get this, I’ll know Santa is real
We have been on the hunt for a gorgeous rainbow, and this surpasses everything we could hope for!! Oh paxmommy Jillian please fulfill our rainbow dreeeeams!!! <3
A huge SQUEEE from freezing Northern Ontario! It’s -37 with the windchill. A beautiful rainbow would help warm us up.
So lovely
Eeeekkkk! My dream Tula!!! Not only is it vv (the most gorgeous rainbow) but it’s a toddler FULL which I’ve always wanted to try
I will promise to hoard it forever and ever for future squishes, nieces, nephews, and grandbabies! And my birthday just happens to be Friday which would make it the BEST one yet
What could be a better gift than my dream Tula??? lol Pretty pretty please with sugar on top pick me… I would be forever grateful <3 And thank you for the chance and this small glimmer of hope. This is going to make some lucky mama's dream come true! ?????????????????? PAXbaby is the bestest!!!
Squeeeeeee is right!!! We’d love to give this rainbow and happy home!
Yay VV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes please!
My 2.5 yo daughter would absolutely adore this beautiful Tula! I have a new squish coming any day now, and I know their big sis would love to be worn just like the baby! <3
Tula, Tula, a rainbow so bright.
Tula, Tula, lets me hold my little one tight.
Tula, Tula, Vice Versa I adore.
Tula, Tula, I would love if this one comes to our front door.
Squeeeeeee! I would love a chance to wear my toddler in Vice Versa toddler Tula!! Thanks for the opportunity
Love love love!
Hi Beautiful Momma!
I think you probably already know how much I love Paxbaby and rainbows but if not, here it goes! I am so very grateful for Paxbaby having such accessible, awesome carriers like ready made WCRS. Before Pax, there wasn’t really anything around. Your love for rainbows is absolutely contagious and I have been bitten by the bug
My sweet baby girl has a 1st birthday coming up in a few weeks. I would absolutely LOVE to wear her in this gorgeous carrier. She is a very big baby (as was my first) so we are already fitting beautifully in a toddler Tula. Sniff. I would be oh so grateful to wear her for the rest of our wearing days in style. Oh and I will be sure to pass this beauty along to another local Momma at RETAIL when we no longer fit 
Thanks for reading and sharing the opportunity to buy this beauty. Merry Christmas to you and family! XOXO,
<3 this SO much!
Love VV and it makes a lovely Tula! Me please!
This is my dream rainbow Tula
So gorgeous!!! My baby girl would look too sweet in this carrier! Great job
Thank you so much Jillian for the chance to win to buy! Hoping this might be my lucky day…I’ve never owned a Tula, but I’m dying to try one before our wrapping days are through! Merry Christmas!
I want this for my wife!
I would love to win this for my wife!
Love this so much. Hope I win win! Oh and y PayPal email is different.
This would be a perfect gift for my lovely wife and son. It would make her so happy!
This would make a perfect Christmas present for my tula obsessed daughter. Thank you for the chance.
This is absolutely breathtaking!! I’ve been trying to get a VV Tula forever! My 2 1/2 year old daughter loves rainbows, so this would be an amazing Christmas gift for not only her but for myself! It would have a forever home here until she refuses to be worn, that I can promise! THANK YOU, Jillian, for this opportunity! You are an amazing mama who is an inspiration to us all. Sending Christmas blessings and love to you and your beautiful family! ??????
Hi, VV Tula. My name is Ai. I’m a Tula addict and I have a dozen of them. Yes… But I assure you that that does *not* mean that you will be any less loved than in a home where you are the only Tula. In fact, you will be loved very, very much, and Even after our girls are too old to be worn in Tulas, I will adjust the straps in a way that will allow me to wear you as a special vest. And I will wear you to work every workday, even on days I have to be in court. And of course, on weekends – to the farmers’ markets, to playdates, on all outings, on family vacations. All four seasons, every month of the year, every day of the month, every hour of the day. Yes, even at night – because we co-sleep – you will share our bed with us too. And on a more serious note, you have been my DISO for quite some time now, and I would love for you to come live with us. I promise to keep you forever. Thank you.
Squeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my VV <3 I love you so <3 Please come to me! I will give you LOTS & LOTS of love forever & ever & ever & ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
So pretty!
Beautiful! Hoping that this will be my first WC tula!!!
I know a very special person, that would love to have this. Winning this will help me, give her this very special gift, and will give her child the Cadillac of comfort. While helping mommy look her best!
I’m SQUEEEE-ing so hard I just might wet myself! This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
Please please pretty please choose me. I will <3 u forever.
Happy holidays to everyone at pax, especially Pax babywearing daddies!!!
From a happy babywearing dad
OMG! I want this so bad! Babe is 20 months and he’s not supported knee to knee in my beco Gemini or beco soliel anymore and this is a TODDLER one! I love you Jillian please pick me!
I need me a rainbow and this one is perfect! I can wear my toddler now and soon enough his chunky little brother will be in toddlers (almost out of standards now). Plus we are leaving for an epic CA road trip next week — up to Big Sur through SF for Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa and then skiing on the Eastside. This Tula will look amazing against the blue Pacific and snowy Sierra Nevadas!
Pretty pleaseeee, I would love to get my first WC Tula and this one is perfect! The dream one! Fingers crossed.
This is so awesome!!!! My guy just turned 18 months and we’ve also just transitioned into toddler Tulas. I love this Tula and love PAXbaby for offering it. Love you guys!
Wow just wow! How awesome amazeballs gorgeous is this!!!
Poinsettas are red,
Ornaments are blue,
I’d love a VV Tula
because PAXbaby rules!
Happy holidays to you and yours.
Ahhh! Thank you so much for this opportunity. Im in love with this Tula and hope it can be my first wc. It could my first tula in general! Lol
This is so beautiful! It would be perfect as my first Tula.
You know what Jillian I was being super selfish earlier during the season for giving, I would love this Tula for myself I would cherish it deeply! I would squeeeeeeeeee if I won it, I really would. However, I have this friend. I have never met this friend but she took me in, she taught me about Tulas. I met this friend on the baby wearing swap, and we become amazing friends! If we lived near each other I am sure we would be best friends- the kind of friends that see each other everyday and never get tired of it! Alas, we don’t we live hundreds of miles apart, she lives in California and I live in Texas. However, that doesn’t stop me from speaking with her, or telling my husband about her, or even the urge to tell her something when something amazing happens to me! I consider her one of my best friends, because I just moved back to Texas and don’t have a single friend here to go to, except Marisol Hernandez. This mama is the MOST deserving of this beautiful Tula, she is always helping mamas out by finding their ISO’s-inclduing me, she always has a listening ear, and an internet hug ready when I am feeling down. I cant believe I immediately thought of myself for this Tula, this is her legacy wrap…this is her DREAM tula! I could not think of a better person for this to go to than Marisol Hernandez! This is love, this would be the tula she would cherish until it had holes in it. Not only would I like my entry to go to her-if that is okay but I wish to pay half of it for her!!
Please Jillian pick Marisol Hernandez for this Tula. This mama would squeeeeeeee from the mountain tops for it, she LOVES this rainbow, she loves wrap conversions, and best of all she would never let this tula go and it would wrap her little Logan with love for years to come. <3
Erin Woolley
Simply gorgeous!
SQUEEEEEE!!!!!! This would be loved and appreciated EVERY day. The most beautiful rainbow Tula ever <3 <3 Thanks for being so awesome, PAXbaby!!
vv is the only rainbow we have ever lusted for????????????????, and to have this as a FULL Toddler Tula would be equivalent to finding the Holy Grail!!! Hope we win!
Dear PAXbaby,
The VV Full Toddler Tula is our dream,
If you’d allow it to live with us I’d scream,
With excitement and love,
It would fit my toddler like a glove.
You are the best babywearing store online,
PLEASE allow that beauty to be mine!
I could never love another Tula like this,
Wearing my son in it would be bliss.
Forever in our home it would stay,
To wear my future squishes too one day.
Thank you for the amazing opportunity,
Awaiting to hear the winner as I “SQUEEEE”!!!
Squeee!!! I wish I may, I wish I might, have this VV Tula Thursday night <3 Thank you so much for the opportunity PAXbaby!
Rainbows So bright
Please come live with me tonight
We wil love you forever
And like you for always
You will never leave
In my house you will always be
We will love you till our dd is
bursting out of your seams
But even then you will stay
So I can snuggle other babies
When they come to stay.
Passing the wearing love to them.
Thanks for the opportunity.
This is beautiful…Thanks so much for giving someone this awesome opportunity!
I need a Tula back in my life.
This would be awesome!!
Hello again PAX.. I just want to give a shout out to all my peeps in the “secret channel”. Good luck to all of us. While I’m here, I’ll take this opportunity (yet again) to try and get myself good babywearing mojo so I can buy that delicious VV Tula. How can I know it’s delicious when I haven’t tasted it you ask? I just know. I’m a pretty big deal.
It would be amazing to have this as my baby wearing days are almost up. I would love to pass this on to my sister when I’m done. Thank you.
Ohhh paxbaby how do I love thee!!! Let me count the ways….
10.!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???? Pretty pls with rainbows on top! ?
Thank you for the giveaways! It’s awesome to have a chance at this gorgeous Tula.
Would this be the best Christmas gift ever or what? (After baby Jesus of course
Oh- a *toddler* VV WC Tula? For Christmas? My first WC? Then I’d know there really IS a Santa Claus!
EEEEEE! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I would be so very Grateful if i got the chance to purchase this Tula!!!! vice versa is my dream carrier and I’ve been waiting for that “right” Tula to purchase! I would wear my rainbow child EVERYWHERE in it! i travel a lot and it would be beyond perfect!!!! Rainbow Love is Real! Not Fade Away<3
This is so beautiful. I’d love to give it a good home!
SQUEEEE!!! Both my babies would love to find this under the Christmas tree!!! And this mama would love to get her first WC- and first gorgeous rainbow! PAXbaby and Tula- you guys are the best Christmas combination since Bing Crosby and David Bowie!
Squueeee!! Would love to be able to purchase this beautiful Tula!
What a wonderful world it is. So full of beauty and love. This rainbow Tula embodies the spirit of both.
VV makes one of the best looking tula’s!
Would so love to have this it would be my first one!
The critters I love, and my toddler Tula stash is critter-ific, but to it we must add, a rainbow so terrific!
Love love LOVE!!! Thanks so much for the chance to own this beauty!!! Squeeeeee!!!
This would be a dream come true!!
SQUEEEEEEEE Who doesn’t love VV? And who doesn’t love a FULL?! Merry Christmas PAXfamily! Thanks for the opportunity.
Yes please!
Hello friends
My little man would adore this wrap. I so very much wish and hope for a rainbow WC but I sadly have accepted that I may never have the pleasure of owning one.
We want to have at least one more mush, maybe two more, so this WC would have so very much love for many years. Crossed fingers over here!!!
Dear VV Tula,
You are the most beautiful Tula I have ever laid my eyes on and I would love you and cherish you while wearing my son. He is expecting a baby sister soon and loves his Tulas so this would be the perfect Tula for him to show her exactly how awesome being worn is!
Love, Pierce’s Mom
Everytime I see a rainbow, I think of Paxbaby! Rainbows make me happy!
OH MY!! This would awesome for this tula-less mama! (Santa….. we both know long run, I need this!
) thanks for the opportunity! Happy Holidays!! And birthday to my fellow December babies!!
Dearest Jillian,
Roses are red, violets are blue…haha! I’m just kidding. You DID say love letter and some of the best ones start off that way.
I’ll keep it short because I’m sure you’ve already read through so many. But thank you for all that you do. Thank you for making mothering look easy. When I want to complain about how hard my days are, I see the pictures of you and your beautiful children and I think, “Well if she can do this with 7 kids, I can do this with 1.” Thank you for inspiring mothers and fathers everywhere. Thank you for letting us know that we can continue on with out passions, hobbies and jobs while being parents. And we can do this oftentimes while wearing our babies.
Thank you for motivating breastfeeding moms and celebrating moms who exclusively pump. I am a member of the latter community and it’s so hard explaining EP’ing to most people. In fact, for awhile I couldn’t even see pictures of nursing mothers without bursting out in tears. But thank you for your encouragement. Thank you, thank you.
I’m an African-American mama and I don’t see many of us baby wearing here in the States but I’ve turned 3 girlfriends onto baby wearing and they are just as passionate about it as I am. And I couldn’t have done it without you. I would love the opportunity to purchase this Tula because it’ll be a gift to me and my baby girl as I begin weaning from the pump. We both deserve it, I think.
Thank and lots of love to you from Orlando, Florida!!!
When my daughter was four months old, (my now ex-) husband came home from a tour overseas. Days later, he walked out and never came back. My BFF suggested a Moby so that I may be able to work with my daughter and therefore be able to provide for us. At six months, I was finally able to afford a used Ergo. By the time my daughter hit a year old, I was working enough hours to get us back on our feet. My daughter is 2 years old now. My baby girl has literally lived on my back at least 10 hours a day. To this day We work long 12 hour days and the majority of the day my daughter is on my back. Had I of not been blessed by being introduced to baby wearing, … Well, it’s too painful to think about. What I do know is that baby wearing has allowed me to leave a loveless marriage, solely care for And provide for my daughter, be attentive to her every need and never have to leave her in someone else’s care. I can not express the value of a nice carrier enough. Every day I feel like we make our way out of the storm a little bit more. A VV Toddler Tula would be an Awesome rainbow to symbolize “the rainbow after the storm”. <3 <3 <3
A VV toddler Tula would be a dream come true, a FULL VV just bumps it up into a fantasy. Thanks for the chance!! <3 <3 <3
A big hello from us to you;
We hope you like this season too.
With lights, decorations and family fun,
With great celebration this year is done.
So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We send our love and holiday cheer.
Ooo soo pretty
This is gorgeous! I would love it! So pick me
So pretty!
What??? A full VV toddler? Omg I wouldn’t need anything else! <3
Dear Pax, the vv Tula is extraordinarily beautiful and I would be delighted to wear my baby in it. Thank you for this drawing!
The elusive rainbow from my perfect rainbow stash – it would be a privilege to own it. And the comfiest carrier EVER! Would be thrilled to have this very special Rainbow carrier for my very special Rainbow – it’s my daughter’s middle name, and we’re very committed to the rainbow cause!
*Sigh*ingly beautiful – one of the very, very best rainbows.
Oh, to own this would be heaven. I’ve admired Tula and everything rainbow. <3
SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! OMGEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I LOVE VV!!!!! I LOVE PAXbaby!!!!! I would be over the moon with joy if chosen!!! We are in desperate need of a toddler full buckle as my kids have outgrown the standard we have(they’re 3yrs and 18mos) and the Tula is the only carrier that my youngest likes. Also, it would be soooooo awesome to get to try a full conversion before our wearing days are over and vice versa is my DISO. Please make my dream come true!! Thank you so much for the opportunity and for everything you guys do<3
feel like you have been in my dreams. Because this tula is the tula of my dreams. *wipes drool*
Holy Amazeballs. Please pick me.
<3 amazing and beautiful wrap, just like all the (pax) mommies who make are days brighter and warmer with all the wraps you provide.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is this B-E-A-utiful Tula<3
Mommy of 2 <3
ooooohhh such a gorgeous wrap for a Tula. Love this VV. If I won I would definitely SSSqqqquuueeeeee around my house!!!
SQUEEEEE from me! I’d love to win this for my outstanding, kind and generous hearted business partner and co-sling librarian. She’s a Girasol rainbow addict and we’re both big Tula fans. I know that she’d make the biggest SQUEEE known to womankind if I could get it for her for her beautiful little girl and all the furture squishies she aspires to grow/love.
Toddler size xmas gift for me girls?
As much as I would love to hoard this beauty for myself, I would really love to buy this beautiful WC for a friend for Christmas who could REALLY use a pick-me-up. Would absolutely love to make her day.
I would love to be on the receiving end of this! Such a beautiful carrier l.
Just making sure my comment above was noted while logged in for my email address. I want nothing to do with messing this up! HAHA!
Oh my! I love this!!!!!!
This would make my dream come true! It is truly a perfect rainbow! Gahhh.. I want!!!!
VVi is the perfect Tula as we get ready to move up to a toddler!!! VV would be loved and snuggled by us! Happy Holidays!!
Eeeeeeek!! I would absolutely love this this! Thank you for the opportunity!
Yes! This is beautiful. <3
Simply Beautiful.
Oh how beautiful this would be a perfect Tula to carry my little men
Love this rainbow!
this is a beautiful rainbow to carry beautiful babies!!
Please enter me for this amazing tula!!
Oh how beautifully glorious you are VV Cream! Even though my baby is just a tad too small I shall hoard you forever until she fits. That’s how much I love thee! Oh VV come to me please and make this the best christmas ever!
This is beautiful!
So completely squeeee worthy!!!! I absolutely love VV, would love to have a Full Toddler to snuggle my 16 month old, the 2 combined would be a total dream come true!!!! Thank you for the opportunity!!!!
I would absolutely love to wear my little guy in this gorgeous Tula!
OMG….VV!!!! Beautiful!
This is stunning!
My wife is a selfless person. She is a physician assistant at our local hospital’s oncology center. Her capacity is for caring is amazing, and I want to do something nice for her. One of her favorite things in the world is toting around our toddler. I couldn’t think of a better surprise for the holidays than to get her this awesome and beautiful Tula wrap.
Oh how I would love to get this! We just moved cross country and with a 16 month old , saying it’s been stressful is an understatement. This rainbow would definitely brighten my day!
Well hello beautiful baby !! Tula is pretty cute too!
So beautiful!!
the most beautiful wrap conversion. will cherish forever!!
Squeeeeeee! Excited for an opportunity to buy
Thanks PaxBaby
So pretty! A classic for years to come!
This is my dream rainbow Tula wc and in a Full??? My heart is jumping!
So beautiful!!
SQUEEEE!!! Beautiful, happy rainbow!
My wife’s Birthday is Friday and I couldn’t think of anything else that she would want more than that Tula! It is her dream Tula! I admit that I give her a lot of flack with her tuladiction but she loves them. If Mommy is happy….. Daddy is happy!
I love love love this and have two little girls who would love it as well!
VV is gorgeous!
I don’t have a Tula and have been dying to get one. It would be amazing if our first Tula was the beautiful Vice Versa. I love it!
It would be yummy and delicious inside and out!
Now to hunt for scraps to match!
I have got everything crossed and will light a candle in the morning.
Make a wish Cynthia!
Beautiful Tula, I’d love a chance!
This is gorgeous!
Omg this is beautiful!!! My little man needs this rainbow Tula <3
A full toddler, amazing! Hope I win win win!!!!!!
This is beautiful! I would love it to be my first Tula!
A full toddler rainbow? Gorgeous! Thank you for such an opportunity, Pax!
I have been looking for a rainbow full toddler for a year, maybe I’ll get lucky!
Me please! I’ve been eyeing wrap conversions and would love this as my first! What a great Christmas present this would be
I love rainbows!
Would absolutely adore rainbows for our beautiful rainbow baby! We love baby wearing and our little lady would love love love this!!
My dearest vice versa full toddler tula..
You would look wonderful on my husband as he carries our first born. Our daughter is almost 18 months, so the shoe fits!! I promise to love you and to never ever let you go..
Please be mine <3 my sweetheart <3
Now I can’t sleep waiting for tomorrow!
Eep! *fainted* need I say more?
Oh wow. This is the only rainbow my hubby would wear. Therefore belongs in ours arms! Wish this could be our first conversion
The only stripe I like. I would love this toddler for my daughter!
i love rainbows and would love to try a tula, thank you
This is a beautiful Tula!!!
Thanks for all the pictures of your lovely family they bring a smile to my face! Loved watching you pregnancy journey and the anticapated baby Cate`s arrival. Would love this tula for my rainbow baby and thx for the chance to enter
This is beautiful!
Roses are red, violets are blue, VV is amazing & Tula is too! My baby and I would love Pax even more if we could be blessed w/ the opportunity to purchase this amazing combination
It is stunning! I’d love the chance to wear my little guy in this.
Oh my word, gorgeous!
i would like to enter to win VV for my wife. I dont know if she already entered im sure she alread has, she is always talking about VV this and VV that and how she can never find it. She loves the ones that has the diamond shapes and alot of color. Suits her shes my rainbow. Thanks for the entry.
This would blow my mind!!!
I love this! It’s gorgeous.
Oh this is so beautiful!
love it <3!!!! and so would my squirmy wormy toddler who loves to "wrappee" but can't stay still long enough to wrap. (We had him a wcmt made for for this purpose, but one simply does not have enough carriers)
Oh my !! This is such an awesome giveaway! Expecting a baby to arrive on the 19th and I would sooooo love to win this!! Thankyou for the chance!
I do have a toddler who I can use it for:-)
Rainbow my favorite, no WC tula for me yet.
Im been in search for the perfect toddler and this is it, pick me pick me!
What a beautiful tula!! I would love to give it a home.. it would be well loved and used here..
OMG! This is beautiful. I would love to get this for my hubby for Christmas so he can wear our little girl!
LOVE this carrier <3 VV is so beautiful!! thank you for this opportunity <3
Happy Holidays Pax families!
Wishing Peace and Happiness from my home to yours <3
I am
For your Beauty
You are my pot of gold
I will search for you to the ends of the earth
Until my sand of time runs to end
You are forever my love
We are just sizing up and this would be amazing under the Christmas tree
Aaaaaaaammmmmmmaaaaaaazzzzzzzziiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggg!!!!!!! Oh this would be the perfect Christmas present for me- I mean my sweet DD!
So beautiful!! One of my favorites
Entering for a sweet mama that would cherish this
I love this and will wear it, even though I have a baby boy!
Ooh a full toddler, you are Amazing Ula!! Entere please!
Would love this as my first tula!
Thanks for the chance Jillian! <3
Squeeee! Hope I’m not too late! Love VV!
I’ve worn my girl since she was born
I’ll wear her until shes a tween
For one day I know I’ll mourn
My baby girl who was just a lil tiny bean
We would love love love this rainbow in our house!
VV is the one rainbow I have forever drooled over, I would love and adore this!!! With 2 toddlers around here this would get lots of love…
VV is my DISO! Would love this for my last rainbow baby. Thank you Paxbaby!
Carry all the toddlers!!!! <3
My LO has outgrown her standard, and this is such a lovely toddler Tula! Thanks, Jillian, for always planning fun and interesting promotions! I <3 Paxbaby!
I literally have dreams about owning a VV wrap, and this amazing Tula is far beyond all dreams. It’s incredible and if we were lucky enough to own it, it would never, ever leave!
Love, love, love!
Wow! This is so beautiful. Would love to carry my little one in this.
Oh my goodness this is so beautiful!! I love love love it!!!
absolutely gorgeous! love it!
OOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG!!!!!! I want! I want! I want! Pleeeeeease!!!! My Birthday is this Sunday!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
This is so beautiful!!
Such a beauty! Thank you for this chance
This VV full toddler is perfect for my daughter who turns 2 exactly 3 days ago. Let me buy this please.
Would love to win this to carry my sweet grandbaby in!
My wife would love me forever if I won this! PLease Paxbaby help me give my wife an awesome Christmas!
Dear PaxMommy Jillian,
This daddy would love to place this TulaLovely under the Christmas Tree for the most special mama and baby boy. what a surprise that would be…
So pretty!
This would be the perfect Christmas gift for my almost 1 year old daughter. Rainbows remind us of gods promise for us each day.
Can we still enter? If so, I would love to be considered. Thanks!
Soooooo gorgeous!
Want! SO pretty!
I’m completely gobsmacked. I have been trying for a tula for months and failed over and over again. This would be my dream carrier for my 22 month baby girl.
So lovely! My babies would love this for their first WC!
The only rainbow I’m truly in love with! This would be perms stash forever. So beautiful and we need some color in our lives on snowy Alaskan days.
Love.. Love… Love…. I am WC-less and this would be amazing!!!!
As our babywearing days are getting closer to an end, I can’t imagine a better way to cuddle my wild & active toddler than in the gorgeous & calming rainbow <3
I desperately need a toddler and would LOVE this! Pure gorg.
A little ditty to share my Tula love! Sing along to the tune of my Oh My Darling Clementine”! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday- I would wear this lovely Tula, round my darling little babe ;). I have officially serenaded you sweet mama
Thank you so much for the chance to win this! Thank you also for teaching me how to babywear with your youtube videos! This Tula is gorgeous! An so is your exclusive plum Tula!!!!!
Beautiful – I’d love to win the chance to buy it.
Dear PaxBaby,
<3 I love you & your babywearing ways. Your love for children & wrapping is inspiring. <3
I think this is gorgeous! hope I get lucky
SQUEEEEEEE! I’ve been stalking this forever…they’re just a little out of reach. My mom has always called me her rainbow. I was a blessing after many miscariges and drs telling her she wouldn’t have another baby <3 Rainbows have always been special here! Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh I LOVE it!!! Here in Switzerland the sky is grey, a beautiful rainbow would give colors in life!
I just created an account & logged in. Does my old post count without logging in.
Anyhow, I love rainbows and PaxBaby! <3
I would collapse in shock to own a VV Toddler Tula! It would be perfect for me and for our sitter since it is so user friendly. And I am pretty sure I would have the hippest Tula for my sitter to rock out when she is on walks with our little guy! <3
I love this & my lo Alice will too !
Been trying for a WC for months and I’ve just about given up so hoping this could possibly come live with us! We would SSQQQUUUEEAAALLL!!! My twin girls would love love love this!
Not sure if it’s to late already but we’d love to give this a loving home. DD2 chases the rainbows around our kitchen from the prism in the window and her squeals of delight are like little heart hugs. <3
Dear PAXbaby,
this is my love note to you. it has been a long time coming. you’re wonderful. your lovely family bringing joy to other families who love babywearing. i love the opportunities you give us, like the surprise exclusive tula WC stockings on your page that i have heard about. my little girl and i do love to stay close to each other all day everyday, a toddler tula would be just what we need to keep us close!!
thanks for the opportunity <3
This is so pretty. I am hoping to win this for my birthday boy.
I would love this beautiful Tula!! Fingers crossed
This wrap conversion is my dream tula!!! I would love to be entered to win outlets first wrap conversion! Thanks for the opportunity and sharing the babywearing love!
I sure could use this breath of fresh air!
Ummm, this squee would be heard around the world! This Tula is gorg!! Just like my little man
This is an awesome gender neutral tula! Thanks for the opportunity to score it when I’m so terrible at stockings.
DIE! It’s gorgeous- yes please!!
I am WC- less, love your carriers…. would love to see my sweet pea in this!
such a pretty tula!!
Amazing! Love that it’s a Toddler, which is what me and my super big DD need. I would wear her every day, as long as she would let me. Fingers and toes crossed!!!
It’s time to bring a rainbow WC to this house!
My Tula haiku
I love my Tula
They make me and baby smile
Please send a rainbow
I have been baby wearing since my son was born 22 months ago, and now I have a newborn baby girl so I could really use a toddler carrier to help me out! My husband works out of town, and has been open to buy me every carrier I’ve wanted and I must say I just can’t find a comfortable one even though I endure the neck or back pain (I’m petite). I’m combined the perfect carrier is out there and would love to try this and tell all my momma friends about it! I would feel truly blessed to receive this entry and thank you from Florida!
This carrier would be perfect for me! I’d wear it everyday and I think the material would be perfect for the hot, humid weather here!
I would LOVE to have this as I have a 23 month old and a newborn baby girl. Baby wearing is my only survival! It’s hot in Florida and this material would be great!Thank you so much!
I would love to get this as a gift for a friend!
WOW!!! Love it
Too excited!! I can’t wait! I hope I’m the winner.
Beautiful arcoiris
I would absolutely love this. Thanks and Smiles!
Oh my goodness! This is absolutely beautiful. I would love to have a chance to purchase.
How am I one week late?! If there is any chance your winner didn’t work out… Or you produce more… I would wear the heck out of this… First time mom of a two month old lil guy… and instagram the heck out of this to my friends and followers… but really I am in LOVE. Make more PLEASE:]