And I don’t mean the Baby Bjorn, mamas! I’m talking about ergonomically comfortable baby carriers that enable you to be hands free while wearing your baby! These carriers usually are so wonderful, that you will become addicted to the world of babywearing, and your baby will forever thank you for your decision to look outside the BRU box and grab a:
Sakura Bloom ring sling – swanky but utterly comfortable ring sling available in linen, silk, or a combination of both!


Hotslings AP Pouch – the adjustable pouch that fits a large range of body sizes but is as easy as THAT to use!


Moby Wrap – extremely comfortable stretchy wrap ideal for newborns through 15-18 pounds. Once your baby grows that heavy, the stretchy fabric is too stretchy and you will need to upgrade to a carrier designed for heavier babies.


Babyhawk meh dai – Asian inspired carrier with a body and 4 straps. Can be intimidating to start, but can be the most comfortable carrier in the bunch!


BB Slen – A woven wrap made under fair trade conditions that is “grippy” enough to be easy to use even for beginner wrappers!


Beco Butterfly II – My personal favorite Soft Structured Carrier, meaning that the straps buckle instead of wrap or tie. Great for moms, dads, toddlers, or newborns. The infant insert is included but removable and the integrated seat means that even new moms and inexperienced babywearers can get their baby on their back like a backpack easily and comfortably!


Other favorite brands are Gypsymama wraps, Oh Snap! SSCs, and Olives & Applesauce SSC!

Step out of your comfort zone, say NO to commercially manufactured brands like Bjorn and Evenflo, and get yourself a REAL baby carrier! You and baby deserve it!

Don't Miss a Thing!

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babylonia beco girasol kokadi hopp wrapsody nati tula sleepingbaby emei angel tekhni bamberoo Je Porte Mon Bebe lennylamb