1. First thing is first. Tell us your name, and how long you have been a PAXmommy for?

Hi, I’m Alena and Ive been a PAXmommy for just over 2 years


2. How many babies do you have?
I have 6 babies, ranging in age from 13 years old to 11 months


3. Have you worn them all?
Yes, I have actually. I wore my first 2 in a horribly uncomfortable snugli. I didn’t even remember until I saw a pic of myself. I really got into babywearing when #3 came along and we were officially outnumbered. I had to figure out a way to juggle all 3.

4. Who introduced you to babywearing?
I was bump buddies with a mom on babycenter. She sold me my first sling and added me to the babywearing community.
5. You have had two preemies, right? Can you explain to us how wearing a preemie can be different than wearing a full term baby?
Many people assume that preemies are just smaller newborns. There is a lot more to a preemie than that. They are amazing little babies that still have developing to do outside the womb. In the first weeks of life, up to their due dates they need an environment as close to the womb as possible. In the NICU, their incubator provides this environment, but once you are home, imho, a wrap or ring sling is the next closest thing. They are secure against their mother’s skin, listening to her heart beat, wrapped up tightly. I will always treasure those early wearing days. Even though I mourn losing the end of my pregnancy, I am so happy we had another way to create that bond.
6. Do you have any babywearing tips for preemie moms?
In my experience they have been extremely floppy and take longer than a full term baby to develop their core strength. This makes wearing in the first few months different than what I would recommend for full term babies. I personally do not recommend stretchy carriers. My son was 5lbs 2oz when I started wearing him and the stretchy wrap just did not support his back and spine in an optimal position.  A regular stretchy wrap would more suit a baby 8lbs or more, as the manufacturers recommend, but I did not test it out myself when he finally reached that weight 8 weeks later.
My absolute favorite carrier for a preemie is a wrap conversion ring sling. Easy to adjust and get baby in a good position without being overwhelming. 2nd favorite is a very thin woven wrap. Its best to save the meh dai’s and ssc for an older preemie once they can support their neck and core well. If you have any questions or need help wearing your preemie, please email in at and we would love to help.
7. One last question, what has surprised you most about babywearing this past year?
Everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge fan of woven wraps, they really are my go-to carrier for every situation. So when I got my first Tula, I expected it to become my husband’s carrier. Well to my surprise, I reach for the Tula every single day! It’s nothing like the other ssc (soft structured carriers) I’ve tried and I absolutely love it. If you would have told me 6 months ago that I’d reach for my Tula more than my Uppy, I would have laughed. Now I have to admit that I do! This wrapper has finally found the ssc love. <3

Thanks SO much, PAXmommy Alena for sharing a little about your babywearing journey!

Who would *you* like to see up next on the interview list???


*happy babywearing*


Don't Miss a Thing!

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bamberoo Je Porte Mon Bebe sleepingbaby tula tekhni babylonia emei wrapsody kokadi lennylamb girasol hopp angel beco nati