What IS a WCRS:

A wrap conversion ring sling, is a piece of woven wrap cut, hemmed, and sewn into a custom ring sling.

Why go with a WCRS over a regular ring sling?:

With a wrap conversion, you get the added support of a woven wrap, with the ease of a ring sling.

What exactly does “slingified” mean?:

We use the term slingified, when we refer to sending a cut piece of woven wrap over to either Zanytoes, Sleeping Baby Productions, or Kalea Baby to be sewn into a ring sling.

A good wrap conversion ring sling (WCRS), is the perfect addition to any babywearer’s stash.

Small enough to fold up and tuck into any bag or purse, easy to use, and great for all sizes.

Let’s take a closer look at two of the “slingifiers” that we, at, have partnered up with.

Kalea Baby:


Small/Medium: 76″

Medium/Large:  80″

Shoulder: Pleated/gathered hybrid

Can be worn on either shoulder?: Yes.

How much wrap is needed?:  The Kalea shoulder needs 4.5″-5″ to create, so be sure to factor that number in.



Small: 68″

Medium: 74″

Large: 80″

Shoulder: Pleated & Gathered

Can be worn on either shoulder: No. Please specify which shoulder.

“The Zanytoes standard shoulder is a wide gathered shoulder that can be spread wide across your shoulder and upper arm, or ‘scrunched’ for a custom fit. We also offer a symmetrical pleated shoulder for a narrower and more structured fit. You might prefer this option if you are petite.”

Which ring sling piece have you been drooling over:

Step #1 – Choose your wrap!
Step #2 – Choose your length!
Step #3 – Check out at PAXbaby!
Step #4 – Check out at Zanytoes Boutique or Kalea Baby with the SAME name as you used at for simplification!
Step #5 – Wear your baby happily ever after!

– See more at:

Step #1: Choose your wrap

Step #2:  Choose your length

Step #3:  Check out at

Step #4:  Check out at Zanytoes or Kalea Baby with the SAME NAME you used at for simplification.

Step #5: Wear your baby happily ever after

Visit PAXbaby’s You Tube channel for Ring Sling video tutorials. – See more at:

See how versatile a WCRS can be, and fall in love with babywearing all over again!

Step #1 – Choose your wrap!
Step #2 – Choose your length!
Step #3 – Check out at PAXbaby!
Step #4 – Check out at Zanytoes Boutique or Kalea Baby with the SAME name as you used at for simplification!
Step #5 – Wear your baby happily ever after!

– See more at:

*happy babywearing*



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tula nati angel babylonia sleepingbaby girasol emei hopp Je Porte Mon Bebe beco wrapsody bamberoo lennylamb kokadi tekhni