paxbaby fan, Nadine Aridov, shared this gorgeous work of art on our Facebook wall the other day.

An artist friend of hers painted this beautiful keepsake so she could always treasure her babywearing days and remember exactly what she looked like whilst wearing her child.

To be honest, it brought tears to my eyes when I read the caption,

“Soon your own feet will carry you through life,

until then MINE will do it for you.”


Life moves fast, and our babies grow even more quickly.

It is hard sometimes to just take a step back, breathe and enjoy these precious moments as they come.

Babywearing is one way to keep your baby close, because before you know it they will be running, jumping, climbing, playing and growing like weeds.

But hopefully they will still remember the comfort of their mother’s heart beat, the rythmic breathing on their necks, and the safety and comfort of their mother’s back.




*happy babywearing*


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