
Does JPMBB mean anything to you??

 je porte mon bebe, or JPMBB as they are known as, are the creators of an awesome new hybrid super wrap from France.

Translated to mean “I carry my baby”.

Intrigued yet??


These wraps are unlike most stretchy wraps on the market today, and are so supportive without being saggy or overly stretchy.

The JPMBB wrap is one of the only stretchy wraps that stretches in every direction: vertically, horizontally and diagonally giving you all around support and comfort.



The JPMBB can be used from birth until 30lbs (14kg), and can be used on your front, side and back.

Yes, you read correctly… this wrap can be used on your back.

The wrap itself is 5m long and 70cm wide, and made of a deliciously soft 95% cotton and 5% spandex and comes in a variety of beautiful shades and colors.


Which color would you choose??
Or… which colors?!?!?

Would you not love to wrap a squish in one of these soft and beautiful wraps!?

Like a woven wrap, the same “legs out” positioning is required, though you do not need to leave any slack when tying the wrap on like you do with a woven wrap.

Simply tie the JMPBB wrap on tightly, like the video  shows, and place baby inside using proper ergonomic technique.


Support like a woven, with a softness that is only second to your favorite t-shirt.

Winning combination if you ask me.

That is another great thing about this wrap, you can pre-tie it before you even need it, so no worry about dragging tails through a dirty parking lot or mall floor.

je porte mon bebe seems to have it all together!

Are you excited to try one??

*happy babywearing*



Don't Miss a Thing!

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kokadi tula hopp Je Porte Mon Bebe beco angel babylonia girasol bamberoo tekhni sleepingbaby nati lennylamb wrapsody emei