PAxmommy Brianna
Pretty little pregnant PAXmommies all in a row…
First up to birth her little squish is:
As her EDD (estimated due date) is TODAY, Tuesday January 15th, we thought that we would enlist in the help of the PAXfans to guess when her little baby #2 will REAAAALLLLY arrive earthside.
Come play with us!! You will need to enter PAXmommyBrianna as the “Game Name” at login!!!
Whoever guesses closest will win one of PAXmommy Brianna’s favorite carriers… a Girasol Vamp 2.6 shorty!
What is YOUR guess?
Big or little?
*And the fine print: Game ends when baby is born! Entries open worldwide, however, winners outside the US must pay shipping. In the event that there are 2 people with the same point total at the end of the game, the participant who entered first will be considered the winner.
Looks like the PAXmommies are trying to get a head start on the guessing.
Happy guessing and of course,
I think it is going to be an average sized girl, maybe 7 pounds 8 ounces, and born in a week, so 1/22
I thonk she will be born on the 18
Girl, 8# 2oz, Jan 21
I say boy, and 8lbs 3 oz.
How fun!!! Congrats mama
I played as Tara A (forgot to add my email)
A big boy!
7lbs 3oz
20.4 inches
8lbs 5oz
Arriving on Jan .18. 2013
Entered! Fun
A Boy
January 19th
8lbs 6oz
Congrats on your new little one!
Here’s my (totally random) guess:
Boy, 1/18/13
8 lbs 8 oz
20″ long
Baby will be perfect regardless of his/her stats! <3
January 19th 9:51 am 7#6oz
7lbs. 7oz. 20in.
I’m going girl. 8lb 6 oz 20inches
Congratulations and best wishes!
Girl, 8lbs 4oz 19.5″ long. Here’s to a happy and safe delivery for Brianna and Baby!
boy 8lbs 2oz, 19 3/4in Best wishes momma!!!
8lbs2oz21″ January 20 12:32pm
I think she’s having a boy who will be 8 lbs 9 oz. 21 inches
Early Friday morning the 18th. Girl. 7lbs 14oz 20inches.
A boy, on Thursday…8llbs 6 oz
Girl…7lbs, 10oz, 20.5in
A Sweet baby girl is what I see, 20.5″ and 7lbs 6oz!
Boy. 8 lbs 1 oz. 19 inches long. 1/18/2013
Oops wrong site to enter
January 19
8Lbs 11oz 21in
I’m guessing January 21st ( sorry that’s a wee bit of a wait ) and a little boy weighing 7lb 11oz.
Boy…8lb 11oz
I think it will be 7 lb 14 oz and 20.7″
Forgot to add boy
I am guessing a little girl, born Saturday January 20th at 9:45pm. She will weigh 7lbs 11oz. And 20 inches long. With hair!
Jan 21
9lb 6oz
22in long
8lbs 5oz
21 inches
I guess but didn’t see a spot for my email address. So I figured I’d leave ift here . It’s
5lb 2oz
Boy! 8lb 9oz Congratulations!!!
I think it will be a boy and around 8lbs. Congrats!
Girl, 8lbs3oz 21 inches tall
Girl 7 lbs 10 oz 19 inches long
I’m thinking January 19th.
7lb 4oz
Little boy
11.40 am
Xxx best wishes yummy mummy xxx
Seven pounds 10 oz. 21 inches
9 lbs 7oz 21″
January 18th!
Baby girl born January 20, 2013 8lbs 6oz

8lbs. 5oz. 19in. long
To arrive on January 18 at 5:19pm
Baby boy born 1/19/2013 8#1oz It’s so fun to guess! Congrats mama
I say, it’s a boy, born on Friday the 18th, 8lbs 2oz and 19 inches. 2:30 p,m,
Girl! Born January 19th
8lbs 2oz
20.5in long
Boy. 7#3 oz born on the 19th.
7 lbs 8 Ozs., Jan. 18th, 5:28pm.
Jan 19th, boy and about 8lb 2oz
January 16, 1230p
Boy 8lbs 2oz
Girl. 8 lbs 10 oz
Girl 7lbs. 4 oz. 20 in. and born January 19th
Boy. Jan 16th. 7lbs 14 oz
I think 1/23 and 9lbs 4oz and a girl
1/16 11:50pm
8lbs 11oz
January 20th 6:35am
8lbs 1oz
Boy. January 16th. 10:05 a.m. 8 lbs. 10 oz.
Girl!!! Jan. 17th in the morning 8lbs 4oz! ????
Jan 17 @1:12pm, Boy, 8 lbs 7 oz & 21 in
1/16/2013 2:30am
Boy 7lbs. 11ozs. 20 inches born on the 17th. Good luck
8 lbs 2 oz… born Jan 20 in the am around 7 am!
Congrats Brianna!!
A boy, January 17, 315 pm!
boy 8 lbs 13 ozs 21 in
Jan 20, 9:35 pm
Jan 18th! 1035pm
Girl, Jan.17th 3:41pm, 8lb 2oz
8lbs 4oz
January 18, 2013 @ 6:30am
7-11 and 19″ boy !
girl, 7,5 lb 10oz and born January 20th
Girl 8lb 9oz 20in 1/16
Boy, 8 pounds 3 oz. January 17th
girl! 7 lbs 9 oz jan 18th
January 18th @ 1:20 pm- girl 8 lbs 6 oz
Boy, January 20, 8 pounds 7 oz! Good Luck Brianna! I wish you and your family a magical birthing experience!
Jan 17 6:47pm girl 8 pounds 8 oz
Boy, 8 lb, 8 oz. January 17
Girl, JAN 19th 02:37 AM, 8 lbs 4 oz
8.5 pounds
January 18th
Good luck to her!! <3
Baby Boy born 1-17-2013 born @11:30 an
weighing 7.8!!
Girl Jan 19th 5:30 am 8 7oz
7lb 11oz 20.5in, January 19th at 4:12am
girl, 1/20, 8 pounds 4 ounces
Boy 7lbs 15 oz
Girl, 8lbs 5oz, 1/22/12, 20.5″ long
Bouncing baby boy
7 lbs 6 oz 1/20/13 at 5:01 pm
Boy, 8lb, 3oz on Jan 20.
Girl 8lbs 9.5oz
7lb 11oz girl 1/23/13
Girl, 9#7oz 1/18
Jan 18, 8lb, 19in.
And boy!
Girl. 7lbs 12oz
January 17th. Boy. 8 lb 7 ounces. 11 am
january 19th in the mid morning”ish”
8lbs 13 oz little boy
boy, 8lbs 12oz 1-17-13
January 22, 2012 at 5:34pm
Boy, 8 lb 10 oz, 21 inch
Good luck!
Boy. January 20th (my birthday!). 8 lb 15 ounces. 11:30 pm.
Baby Boy
Jan. 18th
8 pounds 5 ounces
<3 Happy Delivery!!! <3
Jan 19th 8 lb 10 oz 21 inches Boy
boy, 8lbs 2 oz jan 18!
January 19th 4:23 pm 7lb 1 oz 20 in
Girl ?
January 22nd
8lb 12oz
January 29th a 7lb 8oz girl
January 21 8lb 10oz girl
January 20th 4:15p
Oh I didn’t need a date

Girl, 8lb 12oz
Nice size
Girl. Jan 22nd. 6lb 12oz 20in
Boy, 8 lb 10 ounces. 21st Jan. 3:55am.
Forgot to add my email on my guess on the site. Can I add it here?
Girl 7 lbs 9oz
January 10th @ 4:24 am
Sorry. Date was supposed to be January 19th
January 22 at 9:48 pm, boy, 7 pounds 9 ounces
1/23 @7:26am Boy 8lbs7oz
Girl 8 lbs 9 ounces january 20 at 4:26pm
January 21 baby BOY 8 pounds 15 ounces 22 inches 8:15pm
Sunday, January 20th, around 10 in the morning…sweet baby girl weighing nine even.
Baby girl due Jan. 20 at 6:41 p.m. Baby weighs 7 lbs, 15 ounces. 21 inches long.
Boy, 8lb 6oz on 1/21/2013 around 9am
January 22nd, boy, 9lbs 2oz., 21in.
January 19th 11:47pm. BOY, 9lbs 21 inches.
a boy on the evening of the 27th 8lbs
good luck, momma brianna
January 23 8 pounds 2oz boy
Jan 20 @4:58 pm
8lbs 5 oz
January 23rd, 2:43am, girl, 7.4
Jan 21 boy 7am 8lbs 2 oz
January 20th 7 pounds 10 ounces boy
January 21, 6 am
8 lbs 9 oz
Jan 20th Boy 8lbs 3oz 2am
BOY! 8lbs 2oz – January 23rd @ 4:37pm
1/23/13 @ 6 am
Girl 7lbs 6 oz
Jan 26 @ 5:15am
oh! forgot the weight!…I am guessing cause that baby is taking it’s time 10lbs 2 ounces
A baby girl, 8lbs 5 oz, 20 inches long on January 23rd at 11:15pm.
Good luck Brianna!
January 21 3:45am 8lb 7oz BOY
Girl January 21st 415am
8lb 7oz.
Boy, 8 lbs 14 oz, 20 in, Jan. 20th @ 3:15 am
Girl, January 19, 2:39 am, 8lb 5oz, 21″
January 22nd 2013 @247am
9lbs 3 oz
Jan 21 3pm 8lbs 7ozs Congrats!
girl jan 20 6:15pm 7lbs 10oz
9# 1 oz girl at 9:59pm on 1/21/13
1.21.13, 3:00 pm, Girl, 8lbs 2 oz!
Wednesday, January 23 3:45 am 20″ boy 9#7oz
January 18 1:39 pm 7lb 7 ounces
Jan. 19th – 8 lbs – boy
January 23th at 7:07 pm
Girl, 7lbs and 4 ounces
January 20th 4:28 am
girl 8 lbs 4oz
Boy! January 21., 8lbs 2oz
Big BOY!! 8lbs 13oz. Sun Jan 20th
For her sake I hope it’s January 19th and I think it’s a boy. 8lbs 4ozs
Sunday Jan 21, @ 3:45am , 8 lbs 3 oz 21 in ,girl!
Sun Jan 21 @ 3:45 am 21 in, boy
January 21st 3:04am, Boy, 9lbs, 2oz
8lbs 5oz boy on January 19
1/21/2013, boy, 8lbs 3oz, 20inches
Jan 22, girl, 8 lbs 3 oz
Jan 21st @ 4:52AM
Boy 7lb, 14oz
Jan 20th, 5:20 AM – its a girl!
Girl, January 27th! 2:35PM 7pounds11ounces
Big baby boy….9.3 born January 21
Jan 23rd in the early morning hours. Big Boy!!! 22in 9lb 7 oz.
20th January
Boy Jan 22 8lbs 6oz
Baby boy January 21st 9:36 am
Monday at 6:43 am. 7 lbs. 8oz, boy.
Oh crumbs! I forgot the date! Jan 21st
January 21, 2013. 2:00am
Girl 9lbs 5oz
Girl Jan 20th bigger than 7lbs 6oz
Boy.. Jan 21, 435am, 8lbs2oz
1-21-13 @ 5:18am Boy 7lbs 12oz 20in
Jan 20, Boy, 7lbs 11oz, 21inches, 9:06pm
Tuesday January 22nd (my birthday) girl 8 lbs 5oz 10:20 AM
Boy, 1/22, 8:30pm, 8lbs3oz
Brianna will have her baby girl on January 21st 7.7 ounces and 21 inches long!
Baby girl born jan 21@ 1:15am (est) and weighing 7lbs8oz
January 20th, 2013 6:53pm
Boy. 9lbs 10oz. 21inches
January 25 @ 11:02am. Boy 10lbs 2 oz
January 20, 2013 at 243pm
Boy, 8 lbs 6 oz
January 21, 2013
8 lbs. 4 oz.
January 20, 1:14 am, big boy! 9 lbs
And good luck to you, you look gorgeous.
January 21, 2013. 2:23 pm
Boy. 8 lbs 4 oz
January 23rd 8.45pm 8lbs11oz boy
Boy 9# 2oz….good luck mama!
oops boy 9# 2 oz jan 20 323am
January 21
9 lbs 5 oz
January 22 2:22am boy
Oh and 9lb 4oz
Jan 22 at 4:33 am
7 lbs 12oz.
Jan 21 at 11am. Boy, 7lbs 8oz
January 23. Boy.
January 24th, boy 8lbs 5oz
Baby girl
7lb 11oz
7 lb 13oz
january 28th
Is there induction ihana we should know about?
boy 8 lb, 9 0z @ 4:30 a.m. Jan 21
girl 7 lb 7 oz @ 9 pm Jan 22
Girl, 9 pound, 1 Oz. January 22
GIRL on January 20th, 1:45pm. 8lbs 6oz.
Girl! 8# 8oz 20.5 ” January 22nd
I think it’s going to be a boy, 8lb 9oz January 20th
January 22nd at 6:30 am girl 9 lbs 8 oz
January 21St baby boy 9lbs. 2oz. Good luck momma!
January 23rd at 330pm GIRL 8lb1oz 20.5in
Girl Jan 22 7:11pm 7 lbs 15 oz
BOY!! Tue. January 22, 8lbs 11oz 21.5″
Edited, forgot time
BOY!! Tues. January 22 @ 9:42am
8lbs 11oz, 21.5″ long
Girl jan 22 8 lbs 3 oz 20.5 inches 2:45am
January 21st , 9:53 pm BOY! 8 lbs 9 oz
January 21st. 11:32p.m. little boy, 9lbs. 12oz. 22″
Is a boy, 22 inches long, 8.14 lbs, will born in January 24 at 5pm.
Jan 24th @ 10:45 pm boy 9 lbs 2 oz
Jan 23, 11:30 am boy.
I think the baby will be a boy – 9lbs 4 oz 21 inches long born on January 23rd, 452pm
January 21st, 7:45 PM, Girl – 8lbs. 7oz. !!!
I forgot to add the length, 21 inches!
7lbs 14 oz
January 21 2:15a.m.
it’s a girl!
tuesday 22
9lbs 7oz
22, 4 “
Girl January 22 10:38 am 8.06
A boy on January 22 at 3pm. 8lbs 11oz 21 inches
Boy, January 25, 9lbs 2 oz.
Boy Jan.26 at 12:30am
7lbs 11oz
21.75 inches
JAN 26 @1:22 AM GIRL 10LBS .4.5 OZ
Girl 8.10 20 inches!!
Jan. 23, 6:53 pm, boy, 8 lb 6 oz
Jan 23, 2013 7:05pm boy
Jan.22 3:35 pm girl. 8lbs 13oz
On January 22nd (late evening) a big baby boy will arrive!
girl 1/22 10:30 am 7 lbs 8 oz 17.5 inches long
Jan 23, 0408am, 21″ weighing 8lbs 06oz. It’s a boy
Jan. 25th at 8:34 pm
A boy 21 1/2 inches 9lbs 3oz
It’s a boy Jan 23rd 8lbs 11oz
baby boy, january 24, 4:35 am, 8lbs12oz
I entered on the pool but forgot to put my email:)
boy-jan 23 10:15 pm- 8lb 14oz so is it whoever is closest or exact?
Baby Boy, Jan 24th at 9pm
January 23rd; 8:49am; 9 lbs, 6 ozs; 21 inches GIRL

Girl Jan 24 6:57 am 8 lbs 2 oz
January 25, 2013 Boy 7lbs 3oz 9:06pm
Baby GIRL born Jan. 23rd at 1:04 a.m. 8 lbs 4 oz 21.5 in
January 24, 2013
8 lbs 9 oz
3:37 am
Jan25th 2:06pm
Girl 7lbs 2 oz
Girl 7lbs 7oz 435 pm on Jan 26.
January 23, 2013
Baby boy
9lbs, 6oz
January 29th (my birthday) Girl, 7lbs 14oz 9:54pm
girl 7 lbs 12 ozs 21 in Jan 23, 11:19 am
Baby boy on 1/23/13 3:19pm 8.12lbs
January 23, 2013 Boy 8lbs 13 oz 12:23 pm 21.75 inches
January 23 GIRL 7lbs 8.1oz Early Morning.
Girl. Jan 26 1am
8lbs 3 oz
January 26, 2013, 5am, girl, 7lb 15 oz, 20.5 inches
Boy, January 23, 2013 @ 1:58pm 8lb. 4oz.
Boy on January 22nd at 11:45am. 7lbs 12 oz. 21 inches long.
Boy 8 lb 13 oz 21″ long Jan 25th at 7:28 am
January 23 7:54am Girl, 8lbs 4oz
Girl, Jan 24th 8:28 AM, 7lbs 8oz
Jan 26 girl 21 inches 8lbs 5oz
Entered on Expectnet but forgot to leave an email so entering here as well.
Baby Boy 8lbs 4 oz 21 in January 24 4:17am
Girl, Jan 23rd 3:00am, 9lbs, 1oz.
Girl, 8lb .4oz Jan 23rd.
girl jan 23rd 8.2 lbs 20 1/2 inches @ 5:56pm
Boy, January 28th at 1 pm
Boy January 27 @ 4:16am 7 lbs
1/23/13 @4:45 am 8 lbs 3 oz girl
Boy January 25 @ 2am 9lbs 13oz Peaceful Birth Wishes to Mama and Baby!
January 29 10:20
boy 8lb 2oz
Jan 28
7lb 8oz
Boy January 23 8lbs 9oz late afternoon.
January 25th, Boy, 8:15am, 8lbs. 5 oz.
January 26th, Girl, 7lbs 12 oz. 11:02am