WRAP it up pretty this year with PAXbaby.com! Order an extra long piece of wrap for a ring sling conversion – right HERE – and use the excess to gift wrap your pressies!

Your tree will never look more festive than with wrapped goodies!

Place gift on bias of square piece of wrap scrap.
Fold up corners to the center.
Tie into bow.
On this one, PAXmommy Jillian had too much wrap so she did a twist and tuck with the ends!!!

So pretty!!

Who wouldn’t want to have that pretty little package under their tree this holiday season!?

PS! Isn’t this Earthy Rainbow Diamond Weave yummy!?!? Get yours HERE!

*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

girasol nati emei tekhni angel hopp Je Porte Mon Bebe sleepingbaby tula lennylamb kokadi babylonia beco bamberoo wrapsody
girasol nati emei tekhni angel hopp Je Porte Mon Bebe sleepingbaby tula lennylamb kokadi babylonia beco bamberoo wrapsody