Isn’t color amazing? The different hues, saturations, and combinations are incredibly diverse and yet all related!!! uring the design process of the PAXbaby exclusive Girasol, I’ve had an in depth look at the Girasol range of wraps – at the way the colors blend, and mix, and work as a wrap! This is Felice, a delightful combination of natural tones which come together as a medley that says earthy without being “hippie”! Enjoy for yourself the loveliness of Girasol’s Felice in a Ring Sling made just for you by SBP! Visit PAXbaby’s Facebook page to enter the drawing!
This girasol is gorgeous!
Oh lovely, is that a new product,paxbaby girasol on the left? when might that be available?
Isn’t it? This is the Felice Girasol!!!!