As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I have been looking forward – OK, that’s an understatement – DYING for the day that PAXbaby #6 arrived so I could babywear a new squishy baby!  There is truly NOTHING like that feeling of your brand new baby cuddled against your chest, sweet breath on your neck, and perfect head cupped under your chin!  Besides which, the ability to do pretty much anything hands-free provides NO excuse for NOT having a new baby, right?  I may be a bit baby crazy, but to me, giving my older children a new sibling is the BEST gift ever and the best excuse for me to hoard away a slew of new carriers bringing me (this close) to “stash nirvana!”

Anyway, enough chat, down to specifics!  PAXbaby #6, Declan, was born Sunday morning at almost sunrise, after 12 days of prodromal labor and an awesome 12 minutes of pushing!  We had planned a water birth at home, and successfully pulled it off, making Declan the 5th Davidsson baby born at home, and 3rd water baby!  His siblings woke up an hour later to the sound of “new baby meowing sounds” and were ecstatic to finally get to meet their new little bubby!  At 9 pounds 10 ounces, Declan is my biggest baby by far, and has this whole nursing thing DOWN!  Today was his first babywearing experience (at 36 hours old!) so I could video tape his oldest brother’s birthday cake and singing (Eli turned 8 today and said that his baby brother was his BEST present!) and I chose a Sakura Bloom LINEN RING SLING in Blackberry to wear!  Declan was swaddled in a light muslin blanket aready so I popped the entire baby burrito upright into the sling with his head nice and high – close enough to kiss – and the tail wrapped around the rings just in case he slipped a bit in the sling.

PAXbaby Sakura Bloom newborn babywearing

How long have I waited for that first magical babywearing moment?

9 months

How long will I wear my new baby?


*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

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angel lennylamb emei kokadi wrapsody nati hopp tula tekhni babylonia sleepingbaby beco Je Porte Mon Bebe bamberoo girasol