Counting down to PAXbaby #6’s due date, I have been nesting like crazy, and getting all of My Favorite Things ready for his arrival! I’m very excited that my new Luna Beco Gemini (now available for immediate – and free! – shipping!) has arrived in time as well as my GORGEOUS Sakura Bloom ring sling in Blackberry!!! I haven’t chosen which carrier will be his FIRST babywearing experience, but I’m guessing it will be something stretchy and organic!!!! My other Favorite Things pictured here are an owl-y muslin blanket (thank you, Jessica!!!!), my can’t – live – without – it Mustela cleansing fluid, little guy’s FIRST cloth diaper (thank you, Laura!!!), and my “vintage” Pottery Barn diaper changing station that holds years of baby memories and a stash of cloth diapers that will make you drool! Wait til you see his (my? hahaha!) baby carrier closet – I think we are just about ready! Thanks for waiting for #6’s debut with me! It’s fun knowing we are all so excited to “meet him!!!!”
*happy babywearing*
Love it! When is baby due?
Official due date isn’t until May 4, but given my previous history (all babies have come a bit early) and his size in utero, my midwife says he won’t last through April!!! Squeeeee!
Eeeeee! How exciting!!!!! What’s your guess on how big he will be?
I know! Can’t wait, on the other hand, I LOVE being pregnant and he is so EASY right now, hahaaa!
My babies haven’t been huge – in the 8 pound range – but this guy feels big to me! We’ll see!!!!!
AWWWWWWWWW! LOVE!!!!!!! What a fun collection! I adore the Mustela cleansing stuff! I’m SO excited for you!