Counting down to PAXbaby #6’s due date, I have been nesting like crazy, and getting all of My Favorite Things ready for his arrival!  I’m very excited that my new Luna Beco Gemini (now available for immediate – and free! – shipping!) has arrived in time as well as my GORGEOUS Sakura Bloom ring sling in Blackberry!!!  I haven’t chosen which carrier will be his FIRST babywearing experience, but I’m guessing it will be something stretchy and organic!!!!  My other Favorite Things pictured here are an owl-y muslin blanket (thank you, Jessica!!!!), my can’t – live – without – it Mustela cleansing fluid, little guy’s FIRST cloth diaper (thank you, Laura!!!), and my “vintage” Pottery Barn diaper changing station that holds years of baby memories and a stash of cloth diapers that will make you drool!  Wait til you see his (my?  hahaha!) baby carrier closet – I think we are just about ready!  Thanks for waiting for #6’s debut with me!  It’s fun knowing we are all so excited to “meet him!!!!”

PAXbaby Sakura Bloom Beco Gemini Luna

*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

beco girasol bamberoo lennylamb kokadi emei tula sleepingbaby angel hopp nati wrapsody tekhni babylonia Je Porte Mon Bebe
beco girasol bamberoo lennylamb kokadi emei tula sleepingbaby angel hopp nati wrapsody tekhni babylonia Je Porte Mon Bebe