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A BIG thank you to Beco for sending a Gemini buckle carrier for our NINTH birthday party! The Beco Gemini is a great option for babywearers looking for a carrier that does not need an infant insert… and… crossable straps!!
Beat the heat with a breathable 3D mesh liner and vented panel for better airflow. Defend against the sun and stay dry with moisture-wicking SPF 50 performance fabric shell.
THANK YOU, Beco for helping make our birthday extra special! <3
*happy babywearing*
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]]>The post Beco Gemini LOVE appeared first on PAXbaby.
Two amazing things about the Beco Gemini:
1. You can cross the straps.
2. You do not need an infant insert.
This carrier makes an amazing infant carrier for first time babywearers, or seasoned veterans alike.
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]]>The post DAY 4 OF #IBW2015 appeared first on PAXbaby.
Tomorrow PAXplaydates will be celebrating International Babywearing Week at Peltzer Farms!!!
Cannot join us in person??
Make sure to comment on our Facebook post with the name of YOUR local babywearing group and enter to win a FREE Beco Gemini or Soleil *print of our choosing* for YOUR group’s lending library!
Best of luck, and
*happy babywearing*
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]]>The post Day 3 IBW2015 – PAXbaby’s Day TWO appeared first on PAXbaby.
We would LOVE to thank our most GENEROUS sponsors:
Maya Wrap
Beco Baby Carrier
Crane Humidifiers
Ergo Baby
Sakura Bloom
Solly Baby
Squeen’s Beads
TODAY, make sure to enter to win a Beco Gemini for you, a friend, or for your local lending library! A Gemini is an awesome carrier for a smaller baby, or a new babywearer. It is easy to use, and does not require an infant insert as the body of the carrier can be snapped smaller! Fall in love with babywearing today, with a Beco Gemini!!!
The winner will be emailed once the drawing comes to an end on Tuesday, October 6th!! Shipping address must be confirmed via email within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen!! For this reason, make sure to check your email (including your Junk folder!!) (Free shipping in the USA; actual shipping costs for our International friends)
*happy babywearing*
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]]>The post The new TODDLER Beco appeared first on PAXbaby.
So, you loved your Beco 4G, your Butterfly II, your Gemini, your Soleil… but what happened when they outgrow them all??!?
You asked… Beco answered…
Introducing the Beco TODDLER.
Don’t let the name fool you though, because this beauty will last you through those toddler years, to infinity and BEYOND.
This carrier is seriously amazing!
**(Definitely, do wait until your child can ergonomically fit in this carrier – it is not suitable for infants, small babies, or tiny-just-walking toddlers, even with a rolled up blanket/infant insert) **
This carrier has everything you liked about your previous Becos… only BIGGER!!
The Toddler Beco broken down:
Curious how this carrier compares to other “bigger” carriers on the market??
PAXmommy Jillian tested out a few different options available with PAXmommy Brianna’s tall two year old.
*Child is 25 months, 36.5″tall, 31# and wearing 3T/4T clothing*
As you can see from the photos, though Corrina comfortably and ergonomically fits in the Beco Toddler, she still has tons of room to grow! Talk about bang for your buck! So many people think that they will not need a carrier once their child starts walking, and that could not be further from the truth!! We use our carriers with our bigger children nearly as much as we do with our babies! Babywearing can take you so much further in a day!!
We just love the high back and head rest, as well as the cross-able strap feature for front carries. Your child is supported, and the high back helps them feel safe and cozy (which also helps if you have a leaner!!!!), and best of all, gives those tired legs a rest!
We at, Beco’s West Coast partner, were sooooo proud and excited to be one of the first retailers to feature the Beco Toddler!!! Beco has been a part of since our beginning, and we were overjoyed to help them launch their newest carrier. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Did you happen to see the OOAK (one of a kind) Robot Print that was featured in our 50,000k fan celebration?
paxbaby will be your first stop for ALLLLL of the LIMITED edition prints, so you are definitely going to want to stick around to see what we have up our sleeves!!!!
Have an action photo you would love to share??
Please email us at, or share it on our Facebook Wall.
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#babycate‘s FIRST trip to Disneyland vs. her most recent.
If you have taken your children to Disneyland, how old were they on their very first visit???
Did you babywear?
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]]>The post 6 year anniversary of… appeared first on PAXbaby.
August 2013 marks the 6 year anniversary of making‘s VERY FIRST Beco Baby Carriers order!
Back then babywearers didn’t have the Soleil, the Gemini, or even the Butterfly II – the hot carrier of the year was the now discontinued Beco 4th Generation, which still remains a PAXfavorite!!!
And now here we are at nearly 20,000 FANS!!
Thank you for your love and support over the years, we would not be here without each and every one of you!!
*happy babywearing*
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]]>The post ISO Fan Reviews appeared first on PAXbaby.
Do you have two or more of the buckle carriers that sells?
If so, please contact us about a blog opportunity!!!!
We are looking for comparisons, action shots, and real life feedback from babywearers all over the world!
Email us via so we can chat about this fun opportunity! THANK YOU!
This is a great way to get real-life reviews from YOU, and see exactly what you LOVE about your soft structured carrier and how it may or may not differ from another!
** THANK YOU, Keri, for this adorable babywearing family photo**
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]]>The post Beco Gemini vs. Soleil Part 1: appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>The Soleil is here, and boy, does it have people talking!
Everyone wants to know the dirt, so we are working on a few extra-special upcoming Beco blog posts dishing the goods on this brand new carrier.
Here’s a great chart that compares and contrasts‘s Beco Baby Carriers!
The Soleil versus the Gemini is a tough choice.
It comes down to so much more than looks with this carrier, definitely weighing out the pros and cons is necessary. Wait, cons… what cons? haha
Things to consider:
How old is your baby?
How heavy is he/she?
Will this be your only carrier?
Will you be needing an infant insert?
If you need some assistance deciding which buckle carrier will be perfect for your babywearing needs, feel free to email us!
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]]>The post NEW Gemini Prints appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]> Headquarters is overflowing with beautiful Becos.
Same Gemini you know and LOVE,
with fresh, new patterns to remind us that SPRING is right around the corner.
Versatility meets fashionista.
It really is hard to pick a favorite.
Which would you choose?
Don’t find a pattern you like?
Have no fear Pimp My Carrier is HERE!
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]]>The post Monday morning crossword appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>* happy babywearing*
2. Carrier with rings
5. Name of the Beco slip covers
7. Years PAXbaby is old!
8. Children in the PAXbaby herd
9. Position for nursing on the go
11. Organic wrap brand at PAXbaby
12. Create a custom carrier at PAXbaby
1. New Boba Carrier
2. A brand of linen & silk ring slings
3. PAXbaby #6
4. PAXbaby mom
6. PAXmama’s baby carrier fetish right now
10. Organic baby carrier brand made in SoCal
*happy babywearing*
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]]>The post Star Wars Gemini appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>For the babywearing Star Wars fans, may the SSC force be with you!!!
This is a custom Beco Baby Carrier Gemini by Pimp my Carrier!!!!
Create your own custom carrier by emailing Jillian at!
Pimp my Carrier at!!!
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]]>The post Beco Gemini Newbie Babywearing appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>One of my favorite baby carriers is the Beco Gemini! Super soft organic twill, versatile positioning, & crossable shoulder straps make it one of my personal “go to” carriers! For parents over 5’2″ish, this Soft Structured Carrier should definitely be on your baby registry because it is an EXCELLENT newborn carrier and has the capability to carry much older babies as well! A lot of moms want to know WHY this would fulfill their babywearing needs as a buckle carrier for their infant, and here’s what I think:
Soft twill to cradle baby comfortably
No buckles at baby’s face level
Foldable headrest to support wee ones’ necks
Crossable shoulder straps for parents’ comfort
Wide enough front panel to froggy baby’s legs
Option to make front panel narrow for baby’s legs coming out
Easy to breastfeed in
I loved what Mama R. had to say about her experience while wearing her Beco Gemini with an infant, “I bought my Gemini when my son was 6 weeks old, and it’s my favorite carrier hands down. I have an Ergo but really hate it… I was even able to convince my husband to switch to the Gemini from the Baby Bjorn. It has so many fabulous holds and no pieces to lose. If I had a complaint about this carrier it would be that in the back carry, I need the head rest already hooked in if I expect that my LO will fall asleep. Everything else is easy and intuitive. I even nurse in it while out and about. The hip carry is fabulous for nursing and carrying while eating dinner at a restaurant.
I didn’t do legs tucked in since my son is really long and he quickly showed his distaste for anything that trapped his legs. Even though the legs are out, it has a small base that supports the hips and bum properly unlike the crotch carrying Bjorn. It might look similar but it fits even tiny babies much differently in the leg out carry.”
And a BIG thank you to Kristy and her lovely daughter, Audrey, for the adorable action pix demonstrating the Beco Gemini front carry with a 3 week old!
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]]>The post PAXbaby’s been BLOGGED! appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>Holey guacamoley, PAXbaby has been blogged at one of my favorite mommy shopping blogs!!!! Look out, those give aways can get addicting, heeheeeee! Read all about Kelly’s experience with the Beco Gemini at Simple!
THANKS, Kelly, for the shout out to PAXbaby‘s unique carrier customization program, Pimp my Carrier!
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]]>The post Beco Baby Carrier AlisaMarie Hanks appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>*happy babywearing*
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]]>The post Enter to win a Beco Gemini! appeared first on PAXbaby.
Our friend over at Life With my Littles is hosting an amazing giveaway to win-
wait for it….
So go over to her page by clicking on this link, Life with my Littles, to go over to her blog. Show her some love, enter her giveaway and
GOOD LUCK PAXbaby mommies!
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]]>The post Everyone deserves a change, and there is no reason for it to be expensive! appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>Everyone deserves a change, and there is no reason for it to be expensive! See, I’ve just provided you with the line to use on your husbands!
The Cutie Cover is a removable, washable, interchangeable “slip cover” for your baby carrier! Why have 1 look when you can have 3, right? Pimp my Carrier’s custom expert, Jillian, will lead you in designing your own Cutie Cover for your Beco Butterfly II, Beco Gemini, or Boba 3G so that you can be babywearing in style in no time! Get ready to answer questions like, do you want one side as “his” and one side as “hers? What are your favorite colors? Do you prefer organic fabrics? And be ready to be overwhelmed with options – it’s too much fun! Watch a video with the Beco Gemini to see how the Cutie Cover works and feel free to ask questions by emailing Jillian at
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]]>The post Howdy, Pony Gemini! appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>Yeehaw, cowgirls! Saddle up and get ready to herd some babies and lasso yourself a quick crawler to wear in the cutest-baby-carrier-this-lil-town-has-evah-seen! Beco’s Pony Gemini SSC features denim straps and a fuzzy wuzzy pinto-patterned inner lining to keep your mini cowpoke cozy! Pop on a couple of 10 gallon hats, and gallop on out of town in your Pony Gemini! When in doubt, let your horse do the thinking – and the ordering of your new Gemini! Hi ho silver!
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]]>The post Beco Gemini Overalls appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>The newest, cutest Beco Baby Carrier is almoooooost here at PAXbaby Headquarters so if you have a baby who loves to be held, and a need for a new baby carrier, wait no longer! The Beco Overalls come in 2 prints, perky Paige and graceful Ginger, both equally fabulous but completely different styles! Ginger showcases a repeating pattern of Echino designs on an Espresso background, while Paige features off white daisy designs on a dusty black/ gray background! How to pick your favorite? Maybe let baby choose, because you can’t go wrong with either!! Check out for Ginger here and Paige here so you can have dibs on the very limited, very special Beco Overalls Gemini!
Wear your Beco Overalls Gemini to the park, the beach, a formal event! Everywhere you go, you’ll be covered in a Beco Overalls! You will receive an email as soon as we have shipping information so you can get paid up and be expecting your new baby carrier in the mail! Yet another excellent reason to live in Southern California – Beco manufacturing is right in my own back yard, so these Overalls will be here ASAP!
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]]>The post Don’t be boring! appeared first on PAXbaby.
]]>Spice up your babywearing life with a Cutie Cover! Made to fit your Beco Butterfly or Beco Gemini, Pimp my Carrier’s Cutie Covers are slip covers for your baby carrier! These smart “T shirts for your carriers” pop over the top of your Beco, fit snugly down the sides and can offer all the same options as your regular Beco front panel plus options like pockets, attached hoods, and coordinating prints! Don’t be boring, rock your baby carrier with a Cutie Cover!
See the videos here for the BBII and here for the Gemini!
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