


It’s been a lovely, busy and amazing 4 years working with PAXmommy Christina! She first asked me about being part of the PAXbaby team on a sunny afternoon while we were watching our baby boys climb clumsily on a local playground. I needed the help so I accepted her invitation gladly, and it’s been non stop fun since! A zillion birthday parties, pedicures, BBQs, new babies, and late night work sessions later, it’s time for us to say goodbye to PAXmommy Christina and let her her spread her wings! She is a doula, Bradley instructor and placenta encapsulator when she’s not being a full time mama to 4 little ones and has touched many with her beautiful presence!
Thank you, Christina, for gracing with your steady peace, your constant patience, your loving nature and your deep babywearing knowledge. We will miss you, we love you, and we can’t wait to see where your bright wings take you!
With love, jillian and the PAXmoms


*happy babywearing*


Don't Miss a Thing!