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Remember that time when PAXbaby and Tekhni had the most BEAUTIFUL baby together! We are absolutely over the moon with these fabulous wrap scrap bags created from our very own Tekhni Delta PAX!
Tekhni really has developed the perfect bag for your every need!
Just the essentials? Throw the bare necessities into your Tagalong Clutch and be on your way!
Need a daily-user? The Cross-town will be at your side to carry everything you need and more!
Going to the beach? Out of town? Heavy packer? Then the Traveler is more your style!
Better yet! Throw your keys and phone into your Tagalong Clutch, toss that into your CrossTown Bag, and simply sling your Traveler over your shoulder and head on out the door! Winning!!!
PAXbaby’s Tekhni Tagalong Clutch features our very own PAXexclusive Delta PAX, a burst of rainbow weft on a geometric woven wrap! The Tagalong is fully lined, and the snap on handle is ideal for parenting on the go! Perfect for small items including your ever present phone, the Tagalong Clutch is our smallest Tekhni bag; shop here for bigger sizes! Created just for you, your order will be custom sewn with the greatest care to details!
Tekhni Tagalong Clutch Details:
9.5″ wide x 5.5″ high
5″ wrist loop
Available only at in limited quantities, the Tekhni CrossTown is a custom item created just for YOU from our own PAXexclusive Delta PAX! Our rainbow wrap has never looked so fine; this fun messenger bag can easily be worn while babywearing or maybe even on a child-less date!!?!?!?!??! Sling ring shoulder strap, fully lined and with pockets to fill, CrossTown Bag had you at HELLO! Flaunt your love of rainbows with our CrossTown bag in bright bright shades of ROYGBIV!
Tekhni CrossTown Details:
3.5′ deep x 11″ wide x 12″ high
adjustable strap-drop 32″ +/-
Bring it ALL in your new “PAXexclusive Delta PAX Tekhni Traveler tote bag!” Now try saying that five times fast!!! Created for you, with your needs in mind, the Traveler is the perfect blend of beauty and brawn! You won’t need to leave anything behind as long as you have your Traveler to throw it all into! PAXbaby has got pockets, lining, an adorable shape, and more; shop now, and if you think you may need a smaller format bag in addition, click here!
Tekhni Traveler Details:
5.5″ deep x 15″ wide x 14.5″ high
9″ strap drop
Now for the hard part… which will YOU choose!??
*happy babywearing*
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I chose to push off the inevitable heartbreak and enjoy my baby’s breastfeeding relationship with no strings attached; morning, noon, or night, #babycate’s milk was available to her 24/7 which was a very enjoyable situation for both of us. Now at 2 years old, my sleep deprivation is catching up to me, she is irritable if I ask her to just cuddle me at night without a nipple in her mouth, and oh… my poor stretched saggy nipples deserve a break for at least a few hours a night to recharge and recover! Armed with the advice of an entire colony of mothers who have gone before me, and Dr. Jay Gordon’s blog post on night weaning committed practically to memory, I write on my calendar “NIGHT WEANING” and mark off an entire week during which I have prepared my family that both the baby & I will be emotional, exhausted, and potentially unable to do anything other breastfeed every moment of the day to make up for our rough night times! Sunday night comes, and off we go….
First up, I “front loaded” the information that #babycate would not be nursing at night, and we read the book, Sally Weans from Night Nursing, early in the day. I made sure that she ate her favorite foods at dinner to fill her up, and my older kids played with her extra exuberantly to tire her out. Bedtime rolls around, big sister Lucy helps me with her usual routine : potty, pajamas, 2 books, final breastfeeding and toothbrushing. My sweet baby goes to sleep easily with her sister breathing gently into her hair, and I take a shower and prepare for the emotional rollercoaster and guiltfest I know is coming around the bend.
2 short hours later, the familiar wail begins and I go in to comfort her. While I am confident that #babycate is completely able to comprehend the meaning of my words, “milkies when the sun comes back up!” and “no milkies right now while it’s still dark out,” her despondent stare at my treacherous chest is too much to bear. I know that her sobs right now are out of frustration, anger and sadness that I am not meeting her previously scheduled needs but it’s important that I remember that she is not hungry, just grumpy! For 24 months her favorite snack has nourished her little body, nursed her back to health after a cold, and soothed her when teething. Her milkies have dried her tears, comforted her to sleep, and distracted her when scared! This baby has never had the chance to attach to a lovey or figured out how to self soothe since I have always been readily available to her, but tonight is a game changer. #babycate is a smart cookie and figures that if she cries enough, her mama will give in to her desires; we can nurse and go back to sleep like old times. Sadly, Saturday night was her last nurse-on-demand, all you can eat milk buffet, and tonight, after 43 minutes of countless rounds of her favorite song, and many tears from both of us, #babycate is asleep in my ring sling, giving soft little sighs and shudders every so often; I’m feeling spent and devastated.
Her next wake up, I fear, will be even worse than this, but hopefully the full day of snuggles I can give her in the morning will make it up to her! According to Dr Gordon, she’s going to have a rough week, but with consistency and a strength I need to pull from knowing each of you are rooting for our continued breastfeeding success, we will night wean with flying colors and go on to enjoy bed sharing and day time nursing for many months to come!
Wish us luck!
*happy babywearing*
*happy babywearing*
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Happy FREE FRIDAY with and The Spunky Coconut!!! Our lucky winners this week (x2) will EACH win an Easy Paleo Meals cookbook AND a set of Paleo Mixes from The Spunky Coconut!!
Kelly started baby wearing when she had her first baby in 2002. Thirteen years later she is still baby wearing, currently with their third daughter, spunky Ginger, who is now four years old.
Kelly created her blog, The Spunky Coconut in 2007 in hopes of helping other people on similar journeys to health. She has since written five cookbooks, all focused on healthy, gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, lightly sweetened recipes.
Newly released Easy Paleo Meals features over 150 family favorites with stunning photography and 100 additional pages of helpful information, such as how to get organized and stock the pantry, seasonal meal plans including holiday menus, a whole section on lovingly feeding little ones, and even an appendix of Kelly’s natural remedies.
Kelly’s book is all about making life easier, and one of the best solutions in Easy Paleo Meals are the baking mixes. Make the mixes yourself, following the recipes in Easy Paleo Meals, or buy them pre-mixed on Kelly’s site, for your convenience. You can even send a bag to mom’s house to make the holidays a whole lot easier!
Good luck, and *happy babywearing*
The winners will be emailed once the drawing comes to an end on Friday, November 13th, 2015!! Shipping address must be confirmed via email within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen!! For this reason, make sure to check your email (including your Junk folder!!)
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#PAXretreat2015 Progressions Course is about to start…. Are you ready for the rainbow updates!?! Thank you soooo much to everyone who helped make this amazing Evonne, PAXmommy Celia, PAXdaddy Aaron !!!
Let’s get ready to LEARN!!!!
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Help us celebrate PAXbaby’s amazing achievement, our EIGHTH YEAR birthday; this month marks our anniversary of awesomeness and we want YOU to party with us! Unable to attend our party in Temecula California? Live too far away to come visit for the event? Stuck home with a teething toddler and a baby? Too shy to come out and play? NO WORRIES, we’ve got you covered! Our PAXbirthday Bash Package includes all the ingredients you will need to get your groove on all in the comfort of your own home!
Look what we have for you :
Say what? All these amazing prizes for $40!?!? OKAY!! Sign me up!! 🙂
The PAXmoms brainstormed one laaaate night (early morning, really) and thought of something adorable and never ever made before (that we know of!) These Wrap Scrap Slap Bracelets are adorable, hand made here in California, and more fun than you know! As an eighties baby, the appeal of these bracelets was a total blast from the past! Show off your rainbow spirit, and slap one on!
Fine Print: Trust us to choose the right bracelet for you; some are rainbows, some are not, but we will share them equally!
Hearing Kristi from Wrapsody: The Wraparound Baby Carrier speak is going to be the highlight of my YEAR! This babywearing mompreneur is a founding mother to our growing industry and has more knowledge of our community in her pinky finger than most of us do added together! This lady put together the BCIA, the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance, which has saved babywearing from its demise MANY times! In addition to her work for the BCIA, her thriving wrap manufacturing business, Wrapsody… employs a family-owned company under fair trade conditions in Bali. What an amazing woman, right?
Kristi is a natural public speaker, and when I first asked her months ago about coming to be our guest speaker for our upcoming birthday party, she immediately said YES and sent me a list of interesting topics that would be fascinating to hear! We’ve chosen 2 sessions for our#PAXbirthdaybash8, one geared towards babywearing educators called Branding for Businesses which will delve into the topic of how to make YOUR brand stand out among the crowd, a trait that Kristi has mastered! Her second session is applicable for everyone who wants to improve ANY relationship whether that is parenting, business, teaching, or marriage! Personality for Peace will bring happiness to you personally and closure to some of the issues you have been facing in your day to day life. Experience these inspiring talks via recording; you will be able to watch Kristi teach over and over!
Fine print: PAXdaddy Dave from Yo Daddy will be editing and creating a video for you to enjoy! You will be emailed with the secret link in about 4ish weeks. Hold tight; it will be worth the wait!
It’s the moment you have been waiting for; let’s talk Tulas! In addition to all the other wonderful goodies and opportunities offered in our PAXbirthday Package, here is the chance to forego all the drama, all the anxiety, all the sadness of a regular PAXexclusive stocking, and to know that at the end of the day, YOU will HAVE a PAXexclusive Tula. Now at this point, we cannot reveal to you the pattern, print, name, or strap color that we have chosen for this special carrier, but we can assure you that it’s ADORABLE!!!! A stalk free dibs is priceless when compared to the epic adventure that is stalking for a PAXexclusive, so from now on you can just lean back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Fine print : When we receive our order of PAXexclusive Tulas (sometime before the end of the year,) we will notify you of a private stocking date and time where EVERYONE will go home with a special Tula and MORE! Please understand that these dibs are NON transferable, NON refundable, and only one PAXbirthday Package is available per PAXaccount/ household address. We won’t be able to change the shipping address manually, but if you need to edit your information, keep it updated!!! THIS ORDER IS A FINAL SALE!
Nymphai PAX is an amazing collaboration between Jessica at The Leaky Boob, Alisa at Tekhni, and PAXmommy Jillian from PAXbaby! Designed from Jessica’s tattoo, this amazing wrap became technicolored thanks to a little rainbow boost from our signature PAX rainbow warp at Tekhni! Nymphai PAX has been described as the “baby” of three beautiful WAHM businesses, and the end result is a stunning Repreve wrap that you will NEED to add to your collection!
Fine print : These wraps are slated to be delivered to PAXHQ sometime before November. 20 random PAXbirthday Present Package winners will be selected and notified of their stalk free dibs after October 1; thanks for your patience!
PAXretreat Swag Bags are famously sought after; these packages include goodies from a wide range of sources and may each differ slightly. Wraps from Ovolo Wraps, wooden teethers from Little Sapling Toys, beautiful babywearing jewelry from an array of different companies, baby carriers from Beco Baby Carrier and Ergobaby Carriers, gift certificates for custom baby shoes from Moxx, soothing salves from Mama’s Go to Salve, handmade unicorn horns from Brooklyn Owl….. As a virtual PAXbirthday attendee, you have the chance to take home a Swag Bag for your very own. This is an amazing opportunity to win SUPER big, stock your babywearing lending libary, have baby shower presents ready for years to come, or enjoy each and every goodie yourself! Please, let’s thank the WAHMs and companies that provided such sweet items for us to enjoy with a simple Facebook LIKE; here’s our PAXblog post with links to each business page <3
Fine print: Will you win??? Wait and see! A winner will be chosen at random at our BirthdayParty, & will be notified by email the night of September 20th, 2015!
With all these amazeballs flying around, I’m sure you have questions for the PAXmoms so please feel free to comment here at the PAXblog or send us an email to! We will respond just as soon as possible but please note that these are VERY limited and once the PAXbirthday Packages are sold out, we won’t be offering any more!! THANK YOU & * happy babywearinng *
Fine print: Offer available until September 20, 2015!
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]]>The post Full Moon Mothering at appeared first on PAXbaby.
Full Moon Mothering is a delightful amber necklace maker from Canada that PAXmommy Melly discovered and, as it turns out, Kami has been a long time PAXfan and babywearer as well! We are proud to offer two styles of necklaces, both equally lovely! Our PAXexclusive, All Day Rainbow, features brightly colored beads interspersed with real amber beads while the Full Moon Mothering necklace has a beautiful ROYGBIV center gradient and amber on each end. You will love the delicate purple hanging teardrop that is centered on the adult necklaces to set these necklaces apart from any other we have ever had at
THANK YOU, Kami, for such beautiful wearable art!
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It is hard to believe that #PAXreatreat San Clemente is over already!
We had an absolutely AMAZING time laughing and learning with so many wonderful mamas and babies, listening to presentations from Laura Brown of Ergo Baby, CharLee from Quasico Creative, Cassiopeia of Tula Baby Carriers, a skype lunch conference with Keren of Je Porte Mon Bebe, and to top it all off – certification by the Canadian Babywearing School!!!
Guests received babywearing portraits by Salt + Light Photography, packed goodie bags, hours of instruction, gourmet meals and snacks prepared right on site and tons of life long memories!!!
What could be better than a gigantic week-long sleepover with some of your favorite babywearing friends and all of the PAXmommies!?!?
A HUGE, HUGE thank you to ALL of our generous sponsors – we could not have put on this event without all of your help!!
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First we’ll make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating, then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookiedough as fast as we can, and then we’ll snuggle… errr…
Come join the PAXmoms and the Canadian Babywearing School for the most epic sleepover EVER!!! Food, massages, photo sessions, PAXbaby exclusive wraps, goodie bags, and tons of LAUGHS!
Is this your idea of a dream come true? You’ll want to buy your ticket to the Spring PAXretreat!!
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]]>The post PAXbaby’s SmartBall Challenge 2015!!! appeared first on PAXbaby.
30 days of work to achieve a strong kegel! Keep it up after the challenge and you will be amazed at how awesome you feel!
PAXbaby‘s SmartBall Challenge! Each day in January 2015, PAXmommy Jillian will help you get on the great habit of using your SmartBalls to strenthen your Kegel muscle! By the end of the 31 days, you can expect to feel stronger, have better bladder control, and be able to say I TOOK PAXBABY’S SMARTBALL CHALLENGE!!!
#1 – Get your SmartBalls out of the packaging and wash with warm water and gentle soap. Let them air dry to get ready for Day #2! The hardest part is getting started, so let’s START!
Day #2 – Lather up your SmartBalls with your favorite personal oil and insert them, leaving the pull string out of your body. After a few moments, pull the string to remove! Wash again and air dry! That’s it; easy!!!
Day #3 – Insert your Smart Balls as previously described but this time, set a timer for 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, just stand or walk around. Don’t try to clench, but let the Smart Balls sit within your body; get comfortable with how they gently move within you! I’m not going to remind you each day to wash and dry your SmartBalls so don’t forget on your own!
Day #3 – Today during your 5 minutes, walk and stand and add in a little sitting. See how your body reacts naturally to your movements.
Day #4 – Repeat Day #3.
Day #5 -Today is Day #5 of PAXbaby’s SmartBall Challenge and we are going to celebrate by inserting your SmartBalls and instead of letting gravity do the hard work, fight against that pull, and kegel kegel kegel during your 5 minutes. Try to kegel at least 5 times during this time!
Day #6 -Insert your SmartBalls and instead of letting gravity do the hard work, fight against that pull, and kegel kegel kegel during your 5 minutes again. Try to kegel at least 5 times during this time holding to the count of 10 each time!
Day #7 -Repeat Day #6.
Day #8 -Insert your SmartBalls and instead of letting gravity do the hard work, fight against that pull, and kegel kegel kegel during your 5 minutes again. Try to kegel at least 10 times during this time holding to the count of 10 each time! This time, do a few squats while exercising your Kegel muscle and feel how much strength your body has. If you find that you don’t have much strength, do a repeat later in the day.
Day #9 -Repeat Day #8. It’s crucial at this point that you do a repeat later in the day if you are unable to hold the kegel for 10 seconds! Please don’t pass over this important step!
Day #10 – Today we up the ante! Keep your SmartBalls in for 10 minutes while doing a variety of activities – standing, sitting, and squatting!! Try to get 20 awesome clenches in and count to 10 while holding the kegel!
Day #11 – Repeat Day #10!
Day #12 – PAXbaby’s SmartBall Challenge BIG day! Since your goal is to have more control over your bladder, you are going to test and see how your kegel is doing! Today, instead of using your SmartBalls, you are going to practice starting and stopping your pee as you urinate. Crazy talk, I know, but as you let your kegel release, you will be able to feel how much power you have! Can you stop your pee multiple times? Does it come to a trickle or does it fully stop? Take notes if you want, and remember to drink lots of water to give yourself multiple times to practice!
Day #13 – Keep your SmartBalls in for 10 minutes while doing a variety of activities – standing, sitting, and squatting!! Try to get 20 awesome clenches in and count to 10 while holding the kegel!
Day #14 – Repeat Day #13!
Day #15 – Repeat Day #13!
Day #16 – Repeat Day #13!
Day #17 – Repeat Day #12 and gauge whether your control has improved! Can you completely halt your pee? Does it take a LOT of effort or is it pretty easy???
Day #18 – Keep your SmartBalls in for 10 minutes while doing a variety of activities – standing, sitting, and squatting!! Try to get 20 awesome clenches in and count to 10 while holding the kegel! Keep up the good work!
Day #19 – Repeat Day #18!
Day #20 – Repeat Day #18!
Day #21 – Repeat Day #18!
Day #22 – Let’s celebrate with a SNEEZE! Choose your most effective way to stimulate your olfactory senses and SNEEZE! Hopefully you have been practicing so much and so hard that your kegel will know JUST what to do! But if not, here’s a reminder : clench and squeeze as you sneeze to avoid having wet pants!!!
Day #23 – How did you do yesterday with the SNEEZE challenge? If you did awesome, enjoy a day off! If you need a repeat, try again!
Day #24 – There’s not much time left in PAXbaby’s SmartBall Challenge! Let’s get back to our kegels : 10 minutes, 20 kegels, 10 seconds each, and… GO!
Day #25 – 10 minutes, 20 kegels, 10 seconds each, again! Is this easy for you now? Can you reach the goal of 20 kegels easily? How about 30?
Day #26 – Here’s a question for you! If you set a timer for 1 minute and do quick kegels with your SmartBalls in, how many can you do? Now, remove your SmartBalls and set the timer again! Can you do more or less with the SmartBalls in????
Day #27 – Need to practice again? Let’s do this! Stay active for 10 minutes! 20 kegels should be an easy goal by now; can you do 30? Whoa, what about 40???
Day #28 – Keep going strong. PAXbaby’s SmartBall Challenge is almost over but not quite yet! Repeat Day #27!
Day #29 – It’s PEE day! Can you bring your pee to an absolute stop today? 1 time? How about 5 times? Stop and release, stop and release! Your kegel can do this; you’ve been practicing!!!
Day #30 – In 2 days, I won’t be reminding you to kegel, but you will need to remember on your own! What can you do to keep practicing? Will you set an alarm on your phone? Will you ask someone to remind you? Will you leave your SmartBalls under your pillow??? Today did you practice? Because look, I didn’t remind you!!!!
Day #31 – The struggle has been real, but with PAXbaby’s SmartBall Challenge of January 2015, you are on your way to a tighter, stronger year! Keep those SmartBalls handy; please use them every other day starting today for just a few minutes to remind your kegel who’s boss! Good luck & thank you for taking the Challenge with me!
*** Awesome hints about your SmartBalls*
No time is too short to practice! Got 5 minutes? Pop em in!
No time is too long to practice! If you are enjoying how the SmartBalls feel, keep em in! A few hours maximum!
You can pee with your SmartBalls in! Remember, these bad boys are inserted into your vagina; your pee comes out your urethra! Different holes for different purposes!
Keep your SmartBalls clean!
SmartBalls love coconut oil; it reminds them of sunbathing in Hawaii! But if you have a difference lubricant preference, just double check that it is appropriate for silicone products!
And one last though, have fun with your SmartBalls!
They can be very useful in many different ways!
Don’t have Smartballs?
Get some and begin the challenge!
*** Please refer to your midwife or doctor’s advice before starting to use SmartBalls or following a birth. The PAXmoms are not medical professionals, just helpful moms who want your kegel to grow nice ‘n strong!***
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