
Monday came and went and was SUCH a moving day for all.



The event was hosted by Network Medical, a pregnancy care center, with many young moms in need!!!

Boba so generously matched’s donation, and this class was to demonstrate for the moms, and to also teach the “in house” nurse, how to use the Boba stretchy wrap as well as the Boba Air.

PAXmommy Jillian taught the new moms about proper ergonomic positioning, such as the ‘M’ positioning, as well as the benefits of babywearing for both mother and infant.

Not only was she able to teach these important babywearing skills, but PAXmommy Jillian also talked one-on-one with some of the moms about sensitive issues such as C-sections, birth and breastfeeding.



These 20 carriers will be given to moms who want to wear their babies but until now haven’t had the resource or guidance!

What an amazing experience.

THANK YOU for all YOUR help; through donations made at’s 5th birthday party last Fall, we were able to make this opportunity happen for these sweet moms.


*happy babywearing*


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