Reading with your child is a small investment with a HUGE pay off! Reading the same book over and over teaches directionality and provides comfort, & the repetition of the story leads to deeper assimilation of the content.  So the next time you are ready to pull your hair out from reading that same Sandra Boynton book “just one more time,”  just remember that you are helping your child’s vocabulary, their sense well being, and their love for literature!

Reading a book to your child can take only a few minutes, but cultivating that love of books will be wonderful later. My oldest children are 11, 9 and 7 years old now and will happily spend hours reading to themselves and to their younger siblings! Take the time to read to your child today, and tomorrow you AND your child will be so happy!

A few of our personal favorites are : If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Policeman Small, The Hungry Caterpillar, and Make Way for Ducklings! What are your family’s top choices of young children books???

*happy babywearing*

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