PAXbaby_emeibaby_VV_Vice versa_WC_#babycate

Well… I would say this is a winning combination!!! Wouldn’t you???

It is no secret around these parts that the PAXmommies are in love with the Emeibaby, but did you know why??

Not only is it a buckle carrier, but it also has the perfect fit of a woven wrap AND has the ability to grow with your baby! The first hybrid carrier of its kind, and easily the carrier that we recommend the most!

The Emeibaby is one of the TOP soft structured carriers around and here are a few of the top reasons behind that statement:
– you do not need an infant insert in order to carry a newborn
– the Emeibaby’s waist band can cinch down to 25″
– easy to use
– no long piece of fabric to juggle
– grows with your baby (or can be worn with your toddler one day, baby the next)

PLUS, we also are in LOVE with the fact that we are able to have our VERY OWN PAXexclusive Emeibabys now!!
First there was DOUBLE RAINBOW, and now… Vice VERSA!!!!

 Have you found the Emeibaby love yet??

*happy babywearing*

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