
A message from PAXmommy Jillian and PAXdaddy Aaron:

“Aaron and I had to give our little herd the most difficult news last night. Telling them that their new baby has gone to Heaven and they will not be holding a sweet new person in their arms this November was the hardest thing we’ve ever done. Baby #8 was loved completely and perfectly; we understand that this is all part of God’s plan for our family, but we will be taking some time to grieve and mourn that we will never hear our baby’s laughter or be able to comfort our baby’s tears. Please pray for us as we reconcile our hopes & dreams with our new reality.

Scientifically, at our 11 week ultrasound yesterday, the amniotic sac measured only 5 weeks and was empty – no baby, no yolk, no heartbeat. Where there should have been a wiggly tiny baby was only emptiness and silence. Our midwife is following up with us to confirm with blood tests and another ultrasound, but at this point, we have no hope to see our baby thrive and grow. It’s currently a waiting game until my body realizes I’m no longer nourishing a new life and my miscarriage symptoms will begin.

As Christians we believe that a baby born directly to Heaven is a “Holy Innocent,” a pure soul who will act as our family’s special prayer warrior in Heaven until we meet again. This faith brings us great comfort, but doesn’t make our mourning any less painful heart emoticon

The kids would like to officially call the baby BB8 which stands for Baby Blaise, the patron Saint we’ve chosen to represent our sweet angel and whose presence I have felt through this pregnancy, and also as a tribute to our favorite family movie. On November 18, we will commemorate our sweet baby and rejoice that BB8 is safely in the arms of our loving God. I expect that I especially will need much love from our wonderful friends as I grieve the loss of our beloved baby along what was supposed to be an exciting 9 month journey but instead will be a rough path scattered with heartbreak and sorrow.

Already so adored, BB8 will be missed by us all and never forgotten. In peace, Jillian and Aaron”

We thank you for your support, and love at this time.

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