PAXbaby_woven wraps_KKD_Sally_kokadi_natibaby_tula_captain_stars_keegan_nisus_rainbow stars

Are you a gambling Boogie Man??? Today is your chance to take a chance and roll the dice!! One random order placed today for an in-stock item will earn a stalk-free pass for PAXbaby’s epic cosplay wrap, Sally!! Jack’s beautiful costar is here and ready to wrap your baby, now and forever!! Order anything at all, and wait to see if you can fill that emptiness growing deep in your bones! If you are the winning order number, you will receive an email to your PAXaccount after midnight to let you know the jolly news; choose a length and get a stalk free pass to purchase a Sally of your very own!!!!

Rewoven for PAXbaby for the second time, this Sally has a few subtle variations in just a couple stripes, such tiny differences in the design that without having both wraps next to each other, it would be impossible to positively identify any change at all! 100% cotton made in Germany and designed exclusively for, Sally is a “horrible vision” of your favorite happily ever after story!

* Lovingly inspired by Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas!*

Fine print :
Winning International winners will need to pay shipping for their Sally.

Shipping address must stay consistent with your PAXaccount; the PAXmoms will not be able to change your shipping addy for Sally from your original order.

As per PAXbaby’s return policy, items purchased as part of a special promotion are nonreturnable. Thank you for your understanding!

*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

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angel Je Porte Mon Bebe lennylamb sleepingbaby emei tekhni bamberoo beco babylonia nati tula girasol kokadi hopp wrapsody