PAXbaby’s FREE Friday is a spectacular Sweetheart Bag designed by PAXmommy Jillian & to help stock your new diaper bag, our give away includes a personalized binky from Pacidoodle!! This gorgeous diamond weave tote with newly updated wide wrap strap will WOW you with its fabulousness!!! Today’s winner will also get to choose the name or phrase for their custom pacifier!!! Such a fun double give away!!! Be sure to LIKE Pacidoodle’s page and share our contest to spread the love <3. This giveaway is free for any of our US PAXfriends!! International PAXfriends are encouraged to enter, but will be responsible for shipping fees :). The winner will be emailed once the drawing comes to an end on Friday, December 19th!! Shipping address must be confirmed via email within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen!! For this reason, make sure to check your email (including your Junk folder!!)!!!

Good luck and *happy babywearing*

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