Tips to wear your buckle carrier in comfort when you have plump “baby pillows!!”
Marieke Tula Side
Mamas with large chests, don’t be scared off by the buckle carrier! With the perfect adjustment, you and your baby AND the girls can babywear happily into the sunset!
Tip #1 – The position on your torso of your waistband is vital! You will need to clip higher than your hips to ensure that your baby won’t be face forward right into your cleavage; however that exact spot depends completely on your torso length and your baby’s seated height. Please be sure that when baby is fully seated, their head will be high enough to easily kiss, which will be above your breasts.
Tip #2 – When adjusting the chest clip, be sure to have it level on your back, between your shoulder blades and realistically as low as you can reach. The lower you place that clip, the more pressure it will take off the side of your breasts.
Tip #3 – If you are experiencing any soreness or mastitis / plugged duct symptoms, desist wearing ANY carrier until you can get taken care of. The worst thing you can do is irritate a duct and continue to put pressure on it!!!
Tip #4 – When adjusting your shoulder straps, try to loosen them so that they cup around your shoulder blades and connect to the carrier front panel far below your armpit. The armpit is a busy nerve receptor that you don’t want to mess with; as you can see in the photo, coming down farther on your breast is ideal.
Tip #5 – Please be sure to have a good grip on breastfeeding basics before attempting to combine breastfeeding with babywearing! Both skills are advanced, and you want to give your baby the best chance you can to excel at both! If you are out & about and baby is hungry, try removing the carrier’s shoulder straps. Laying baby sideways in your lap with the carrier rolled or folded underneath to give support. A light blanket can be used to cover, or you can live it up, and let the milk fly!
THANK YOU to PAXfriend Marieke for modeling!!!
Marieke Tula

*happy BOOBIE babywearing*

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