Have well meaning relatives or nosy neighbor commented on your new luscious baby carrier or the number of packages arriving on your doorstep?!? Have you felt the need to say in a British accent, “It’s not mine, baby!!!” I think Austin Powers expressed exactly how we feel sometimes when we are asked to justify “needing just one more!”

austin powers meme

Instead of giving into the temptation of giving a  terrible Mike Meyers impression, try one of these phrases instead :

“I’m giving USPS a reason to stay in business” – in regards to the many packages being delivered!

“I am supporting WAHMs” – in regards to why you ordered a new carrier!

“It’s totally different” – in regards to another rainbow carrier!
“I am going to sell the other one” – in regards to a growing stash!

“I like your new hiking/ biking/ sports gear” – in regards why you deserve some new fluff too!

Try a few of these phrases on for size or use your own! If you have gotten creative with your replies, comment here so we can use it next time!


*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

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lennylamb beco babylonia hopp girasol bamberoo nati tekhni wrapsody kokadi tula Je Porte Mon Bebe angel emei sleepingbaby