Does the PERFECT stash exisit??

Inquiring minds want to know.

It seems that every time one thinks they are stashified, something new and shiny comes along.

What is your “stashification” style?
Are you a hoarder? A minimalist? Do you have a practical stash, or a huge stash of expensive pretties that just sit on the shelf?

I, myself, like a well-rounded stash.
A stretchy, a *cough cough* few wrap conversion ring slings, a few different sized woven wraps (and blends if you can manage), a fancy wrap for weddings and special occasions, some sort of meh dai or wrap conversion MT/HB, and a buckle carrier (such as a Tula) in standard and toddler sizes.

Woah, ok, so that added up quickly.

I guess you could say I border on the hoarder mentality side of things.

In reality, a broad stash is fun, but not necessary!!

As long as you have found a way to carry your baby safely, and comfortably you are WINNING, seriously.

Most of the PAXmommies, myself included, carried our first babies in handmade, or handmedown carriers and fell in love with babywering… just for the sake of babywearing!!!

The rest is just for enjoyment, the thrill of the score, the pitter patter of your heart when fluffy mail arrives and geeking out over new and lovely rainbows!<3

What do you think your dream stash would consist of???

What is your “unicorn” carrier???


*happy babywearing*


Don't Miss a Thing!

wrapsody lennylamb angel Je Porte Mon Bebe girasol tula kokadi tekhni sleepingbaby babylonia hopp beco emei nati bamberoo
wrapsody lennylamb angel Je Porte Mon Bebe girasol tula kokadi tekhni sleepingbaby babylonia hopp beco emei nati bamberoo