

We PAXmommies are passionate about a few things in particular… and cloth diapering is definitely one of those things!

PAXmommy Jillian had this to say about her cloth diaper stash:

” My cloth diaper addiction started when my first 3 babies were all in diapers simultaneously! Doing the math for paper *disposable* diapers for 3 babies was scary so I started investing in cloth to save money! Because I then cloth diapered from birth and had more experience with cloth, I branched out from all in ones to fitteds (my favorites!!!) and dabbled in flats and pockets (not my favorites!) resulting in a large and varied stash! Just like baby carriers, there is a time and place for each style / brand of diaper which is another CD topic for another blog post! And since my stash is large enough, we don’t wear them out so many of #babycate’s stash were from the older kids! I love shopping on etsy and patronizing WAHMs, and cloth diapering all 7 of my children gives me pride, joy, and happiness!!!”

Another great thing about cloth diapers, is that when your family is entirely finished with them, you can either pass them on to a friend, or sell them!
LOVE that!!

Do you cloth diaper your babies?

Even partial cloth diapering can be beneficial to not only the environment, but to your pocketbook, too!!


*happy babywearing*


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