
How sweet is Baby #6 and his awesome Yoda carrier made by Pimp my Carrier!!!

The PAXfamily LOVES Star Wars, so May the 4th is always a fun excuse to play.

 Post a babywearing photo of yourself or a family member featuring Star Wars on’s facebook wall!

The young PAXkids will judge the pictures and choose their favorite based on creativity & humor, and the winner will receive a $55 gift certificate to Pimp my Carrier at to use for customizing your baby carrier in Star Wars style!!!

Can’t wait to see your pictures – all photos must be posted to our Facebook wall by 8 pm PST!!!
May the 4th be with you!

Last year’s May the 4th Be With You post from!!!!

Beco Baby Carrier Gemini Cutie Cover made by Pimp my Carrier!!!



*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

sleepingbaby kokadi hopp beco wrapsody emei Je Porte Mon Bebe bamberoo lennylamb tekhni tula babylonia angel nati girasol
sleepingbaby kokadi hopp beco wrapsody emei Je Porte Mon Bebe bamberoo lennylamb tekhni tula babylonia angel nati girasol