Ocah-Win to Buy
After months of planning, preparation, and hard work, OCAHs have arrived at PAXbaby Headquarters and we could not be more excited.
These highly sought after baby carriers have been custom made by Kerry Ocah especially for PAXbaby.com from wraps handpicked from here at PAXbaby headquarters.
Each carrier is truly exquisite and a unique piece of babywearing art.
The bad news: PAXbaby.com only has FOUR of these beauties right now.
The good news: We are offering them for purchase via random drawing, in order to give everyone a fair shot!
The BETTER news: There are MORE to come so do not be dismayed!
And now the moment you have been waiting for…
Ocah Didymos Natural Indio 100% Cotton Clipee (Half Buckle) Wrap Conversion – In Between size
There is beauty in simplicity as seen in this Ocah Clipee (Half Buckle) made from Didymos Natural Indio!
This is an in between size which means it is “in between” the standard and the toddler size. It has duo straps, adjustable sleep hood, leg padding and extra top stitching on the waist.
100% Cotton & made in the UK!
Enter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $$415.00:
PAXbaby random drawing via rafflecopter
Ocah Kokadi Elephant Parade meh dai Wrap Conversion – Standard size
These elephants are marching right into your heart, aren’t they?!
This Ocah Wrap Conversion meh dai is made from a Kokadi Elephant Parade woven wrap. It is standard size and has a padded waist, adjustable sleep hood, duo straps, leg padding and extra top stitching on the waist – AND it is totally reversible!
100% cotton and made in the UK!
paxbabyEnter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $365.00:
Ocah Natibaby Ooga meh dai Wrap Conversion – Toddler size
These are the only monsters your little one will not be afraid of because they are just too adorable! Even more so in this toddler sized Ocah wrap conversion meh dai!
It has a padded waist, sweatshirt style sleephood, harmony straps, leg padding and extra top stitching on the waist. And you get two times the fun as this carrier is reversible!
100% cotton and made in the UK!
Enter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $395.00:
PAXbaby random drawing via rafflecopter
Ocah Phoenix Yellow Weft Full Buckle Wrap Conversion – Toddler size
This amazing wrap conversion is made with a Girasol Phoenix yellow weft wrap designed by the lovely Mel at Beetlebums!
It is a toddler sized full buckle and comes with an adjustable sleephood and leg padding.
This OFB (Ocah Full Buckle) has sturdy soft structured carrier padded waist and has a matching chest strap.
100% cotton and made in the UK!
Enter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $375.00:
PAXbaby random drawing via rafflecopter
Please take note that these are not a free carriers, but very expensive, very hard to find wrap conversion carriers.
By entering, you are committing to buy, and the link for purchasing will be sent to your email addy!
Fine print = International winners will need to pay the additional shipping. CA residents will have tax added to their purchase. If the carrier is not paid for within 48 hours of the finalization of the drawing, a new winner will be chosen!!!
You have until 8pm (PST), tonight, April 3rd to enter.
Thank you for your participation and *happy babywearing*
I would love to buy any of them, but I really love Ooga and Elephants
I’m entering for OOGA!!!! Yay!!!!
THESE ARE GORGEOUS!!! Here’s hoping for luck on my side <3
love the Natural Indio!
Love this!!!!!!
This is amazzzzzing!
Love the phoenix
I would love the Elephant MT
Love Ooga! So cute!
Gorgeous Ocahs!! I’d love the Ooga or the Indio
Oh Ooga how I love thee!
I would LOVE to win the Ocah Natibaby Ooga Mei Tai Wrap Conversion I am a little obsessed
Really really want the Indio !!
I would love to win Ooga!!!
I WOULD FREAK OUT if I won the Ooga Toddler Ocah!!! please please please let this be my lucky random draw!!! <3 <3 <3
Hope to win Indio!
I hope to win any of these beauties!!
I so want the Ooga conversion!!!!!
Ooga + Ocah = ermagerd!!! <3 I want it!!!
I would love to win ANY of these!!
Any of these would be awesomesauce!
Pretty please… I want, no need, the toddler Ooga. Thanks
I would LOVE to win Elephants!! All of them are gorgeous!!
I’m hoping for the Indio or elephants <3
So so..awesome!
I would love Ooga or some Elephants, please! Gorgeous
I have my own rainbow conversion on the way, so I’ll leave that for someone else.
i want all of them!
Oh my goodness Ooga!!!! Swoon. That is my dream wcmt
I love ALL of them!!! My favorite would probably be the Ooga, though.
I would love to win that Ocah Natibaby Ooga Mei Tai Wrap Conversion – Toddler size! My 27 lb, 2 year old has special needs, and being worn is one of her favorite and most calming things! She won’t sit still long enough for me to wrap her, and our cheaper mei tai isn’t doing the trick for this mommas back, so strapping this on quickly would be awesome!
I love these ocah’s! Hope I have a chance to win the rights to buy one.
Wow! These are all gorgeous! It’s hard to choose just one, but if I must, I really like that first one. Natural colors always appeal to me over patterns in the end, so Ocah Clipee (Half Buckle) made from Didymos Natural Indio is my fave!
I would love to win the Ooga Booga Toddler Ocah.
I’d love to have Phoenix or the Olga conversion they are lovely!
Would LOVE to win the Ooga for my little monster!!!
i’d love the indio!
AAAHHH, rainbows and Ocah. *faint* Seriously, I love a rainbow. I feel like a rainbow. I feel colorful and sunshiny and happy. Wearing a rainbow just suits me. I would love Ocah Phoenix. (I am also an Ocah virgin, never had one!) My baby boy would shine in that. He looks very handsome in yellow.
Hi! These are gorgeous, and I so badly want to win the ooga. Not only is it ridiculously cute, but it’s the perfect size, plus I’ve never had an ocah, or a Mei tai. Here’s hoping I win!
EEEeeeek I would love the Ooga wcmt
Pax Ocahs are amazing!
I would love to win the Phoenix FB. It’s gorgeous.
I have heard AMAZEBALL things about Indios, combine it with an Ocah and it’s got to be incredible! I would love to wrap this lovely around me and my babe. I bet it feels like cotton and clouds and fluffiness and happiness all rolled into one wrap!
That ooga is amazing!!!
I wanna win ooga!! I need some monsters for my littlest monster
Entering to win the Ocah Natibaby Ooga Mei Tai Wrap Conversion – Toddler size!!! Omg it’s SOOOO CUTEEEEE and I wouldn’t be able to afford that for a LONGGGG time lol =)
I hope I win ooga!
Ooga toddler Yeah
Ooga!!! We are a monster loving family!
Oh my! JUST what I neeeeeed
Fingers crossed!
I love the Ooga’s, so perfect for my monster baby.
Ooooooohhh monsters!! So in love
I hope I win ooga!!!!!!!
I want to win elephant’s!
I love the Ooga one. Sooo cute!
Wow, they are all stunning!
I love them all, but I’m super hoping for the Ooga!
I want ooga and the elephants! So gorgeous!!
They’re all so gorgeous! But Ooga wins my heart <3
I love Ooga!!! would love to have this one!
Hoping to win Indio, Ooga or Phoenix!!!! I really want to try an Ocha!!!!!
It’s a toss up! Love the elephants and the oogas!
Oh my gosh! Toddler sized + Ocah + Ooga = Perfection! LOVE IT! Would love the chance to buy it!
Oooo! Ooga! <3 it!
Beautiful! Would love a chance to buy one.
Love those elephants!
They are all so cute! Fingers crossed!
Gorgeous! Love Ocahs!
I’d love any of them!
& Ooga!
I would like to win the elephants ocah
Eeeeek! Would love Ooga!
Absolutely would love the Ocah Phoenix yellow! Would definitely aid us along in our nursing journey.
I love them all but OOGA has my heart
I’m obsessed with elephants, so, of course, loving the Kokadi Elephant Parade Ocah
Good luck everyone!
Hope to win Elephants!
I neeeeeed that Ooga! It’s perfect!!!
I want to buy them all!
My faves are the indio and the ooga.
I’m hoping for the Ooga, Indo, or elephant parade.
Didymos Natural Indio!!
I love these! Hope I win.
I Love, Love, Love, these!! Please lady luck be on my side this time!
Simply beautiful! Would love to try one with my wee one!
OOGA!!!! And it’s a toddler, too!!!
I love how each one has different features. Great selection Pax Team!
Wow! Can’t wait to see what comes next. I was waiting for the new Tula prints to come out, but I’m throwing my name in for the phoenix fb
I love Kerry’s work. I hope I win one!!
Thanks for the chance PaxBaby!
I am in LOVE with the Elephants Parade wrap! It even matches the colors and branding of my business, Paisley Elephant.
Love the ooga one!
The ooga is calling my name!
I hope you don’t mind all the comments… but the clippee waist is so awesome! And the Indio is amazing.
Trying for Elephants!!
And last comment… I would love me some elephants!! Who-hoo Kokadi!!
ocahs look really neat!
I love the Indio but all of them are beautiful!
Ooga booga is definitely the best!
Natural Indio
hoping for hte buckle conversion, looks lovely!
Or the ooga, cause well, look at it with the hoodie hood that is sooo cool!
would love to win one of these pretties!
I would love to win Ooga or Indio!
Commented once for each!
I would take any but I am reeeeally drooling over the Indio
Oh, these are just so lovely!! <3
I would love to win any of them! I love them all!! <3 But the elephants are my favorite. <3
Ocah Natibaby Ooga Mei Tai
OOGA is amazing!!
Oh my god I’d LOOOOVE the Ooga
Ocah Phoenix Yellow Weft for a friend
I’d love any one of these carriers!
I would love to purchase any of these, but the elephants would fit great right now.
I am hoping for any of them but especially the natural indio!
I love all of them!
Love the elephants!
OOh, I <3 Ooga Ocah!!!
elephant parade
hoping for ooga!
I would love to win Elephant Parade Ocah! It is stunning and I have been trying to get my hands on an Ocah WCMT some time!
Hoping for the Ooga Ocah!!!
I’d love to win any of these!! But I especially love the Indio, Ooga, and Elephante Parade!
Looking to win the elephants!
Entering for Phoenix Ocah for my FB loving good friend Patty. Crossing our fingers over here!!
Oh I’d love the ooga!
Love me some Ooga for my Blue Eyed boy!
I want Ooga or elephants!
Elephants for Emily!
I’d like to win any of these.
Pheonix for Paige!
I would love to try any of the ocahs, but i absolutely love the ooga!
A Didy for Lindsay!
I want them all! But Ooga and Indio are my faves.
I would love to win any of these!
LOVE the ooga! Monsters, monsters, monsters!
So exited!!
I am in love with OOGA!!!! I would LOVE to win this for my two little monsters, boys 8 months and 2.5 year old! I hope I can get this chance!!!
I’m commenting again because after looking again, I would also love the phoenix or the indio! So beautiful!
LOVE the Phoenix OFB!!!
I love the Ooga! I’m crossing my fingers.
I really want the natural didy
I would love to win the Ocah Didymos Natural Indio 100% Cotton Clipee (Half Buckle) Wrap Conversion.
I would love the Kokadi Elephants or the NatiBaby Ooga. I don’t have a toddler carrier yet (my husband does), but I love mei tais and have been lusting after a wrap conversion mei tai ever since I found out about them.
Ocah Didymos Natural Indio 100% Cotton Clipee (Half Buckle) Wrap Conversion – In Between size and the Ocah Natibaby Ooga Mei Tai Wrap Conversion – Toddler size
Would do anything for that Ooga!!!
Gorgeous ocahs!!
I woul love the ooga or the indio!
I’d love any of them!! So lovely!
We would love to win the opportunity to purchase Natural Indio. Such a beautiful carrier!
I would love the Indio or Phoenix one!!
I am hoping to win the Ooga Ocah for my growing baby boy (1 year old)!
The Didymos NI is beautiful and so classy looking!
Yay! Love ocah!
I really want the elephants!!!
I hope to win the toddler Phoenix but they all are wry beautiful!
I have no idea if I entered correctly lol but I’m hoping for a standard size
Awesome <3
Totally would LOVE the phoenix!
Any Ocah would be fine
Indio or the elephants!
I would love Indio or Ooga<3
Phoenix pls…
Would love the Indio or Ooga!
Such beauties!
Would love Natural Indio or Phoenix!
These are gorgeous!
Hoping to win the toddler Phoenix
love the elephantss!
I would love to win anyone of them but would love the phoenix.
I am hoping for elephants! #kokadiaddict
These are beautiful! I love the Ocah, half buckle, in Natural Indio.
Elephants!! I would be honored to own this lovely Mei Tai Wrap Conversion.
Dye blank love! <3
ooohh…ahhhh.ocah! Some more beauties, i love each of these!
I Love the Ooga one
I looooove the elephants!!!
Ooga Ocah for our toddler