Ocah-Win to Buy

After months of planning, preparation, and hard work,  OCAHs have arrived at PAXbaby Headquarters and we could not be more excited.


  These highly sought after baby carriers have been custom made by Kerry Ocah especially for PAXbaby.com from wraps handpicked from here at PAXbaby headquarters.

Each carrier is truly exquisite and a unique piece of babywearing art.



The bad news:  PAXbaby.com only has FOUR of these beauties right now.

The good news:  We are offering them for purchase via random drawing,  in order to give everyone a fair shot!

The BETTER news:  There are MORE to come so do not be dismayed!

And now the moment you have been waiting for…


Ocah Didymos Natural Indio 100% Cotton Clipee (Half Buckle) Wrap Conversion – In Between size



There is beauty in simplicity as seen in this Ocah Clipee (Half Buckle) made from Didymos Natural Indio!

This is an in between size which means it is “in between” the standard and the toddler size. It has duo straps, adjustable sleep hood, leg padding and extra top stitching on the waist.

100% Cotton & made in the UK!

Enter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $$415.00:

PAXbaby random drawing via rafflecopter


Ocah Kokadi Elephant Parade meh dai Wrap Conversion – Standard size



These elephants are marching right into your heart, aren’t they?!

This Ocah Wrap Conversion meh dai is made from a Kokadi Elephant Parade woven wrap. It is standard size and has a padded waist, adjustable sleep hood, duo straps, leg padding and extra top stitching on the waist – AND it is totally reversible!

100% cotton and made in the UK!

paxbabyEnter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $365.00:




Ocah Natibaby Ooga meh dai Wrap Conversion – Toddler size



These are the only monsters your little one will not be afraid of because they are just too adorable! Even more so in this toddler sized Ocah wrap conversion meh dai!

It has a padded waist, sweatshirt style sleephood, harmony straps, leg padding and extra top stitching on the waist. And you get two times the fun as this carrier is reversible!

100% cotton and made in the UK!


Enter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $395.00:

   PAXbaby random drawing via rafflecopter


Ocah Phoenix Yellow Weft Full Buckle Wrap Conversion – Toddler size

paxbaby paxbaby

This amazing wrap conversion is made with a Girasol Phoenix yellow weft wrap designed by the lovely Mel at Beetlebums!

It is a toddler sized full buckle and comes with an adjustable sleephood and leg padding.

  This OFB (Ocah Full Buckle) has sturdy soft structured carrier padded waist and has a matching chest strap.


100% cotton and made in the UK!


Enter here to purchase this amazing carrier for $375.00:

PAXbaby random drawing via rafflecopter


 Please take note that these are not a free carriers, but very expensive, very hard to find wrap conversion carriers.

By entering, you are committing to buy, and the link for purchasing will be sent to your email addy!


Fine print = International winners will need to pay the additional shipping. CA residents will have tax added to their purchase. If the carrier is not paid for within 48 hours of the finalization of the drawing, a new winner will be chosen!!!

You have until 8pm (PST), tonight, April 3rd to enter.


Thank you for your participation and *happy babywearing*


Don't Miss a Thing!

babylonia tula lennylamb angel girasol emei beco kokadi wrapsody bamberoo hopp Je Porte Mon Bebe sleepingbaby nati tekhni
babylonia tula lennylamb angel girasol emei beco kokadi wrapsody bamberoo hopp Je Porte Mon Bebe sleepingbaby nati tekhni