I thought you might enjoy this recipe that will be on our Thanksgiving table as it is every year!  My mom created this delicious side dish –  Sweet Potato Pone aka Gluten Free Yam Casserole, and it’s better than Thanksgiving Day candy – really!

PAXbaby’s Sweet Potato Pone
4 cups shredded yams (usually 2-3 yams)
8 eggs
2 cubes butter
4 T molasses
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup orange juice
Grated rind of 4 lemons

Preheat oven to 350*. Cream together sugar and butter.  Add eggs, juice, molasses, lemon rind. Mix together… it will look nasty, but will taste delicious!  Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg.  Pour into a 9X12 pan.  Bake for one hour.  Enjoy!
*happy babywearing*

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