Say hello to PAXbaby’s Double Rainbow!
Designed with wrap conversions specifically in mind, PAXbaby’s Exclusive Girasol, Double Rainbow, combines all the best elements of a well designed rainbow wrap and will make a dazzling wrap, ring sling, meh dai, half buckle, or soft structured carrier!

*Keep in mind that this picture portrays Double Rainbow at its maximum strength!  No weft color has been combined to lessen the true value of the Double Rainbow hues!

Different colored edges for easy wrap adjustments – you won’t have to wonder if you are holding the right rail!

Repeating widthwise pattern for equally luscious shoulder straps!

Gender neutral rainbow palette!

3 wefts being offered to change the look :
Crema Weft = Double Rainbow Clear Skies
Blue Weft = Double Rainbow Cloudy Skies
Red Weft = Double Rainbow Stormy Skies

PAXbaby Suggestion : Pre order is now open until February 15!  Pay half now, and half later!!!  Double Rainbow is shipping from overseas to PAXbaby headquarters at the end of February!!!

We want you to have EXACTLY the wrap that you desire, so if you have questions prior to ordering, feel free to contact us!  We have a Woven Wrap specialist who can walk you through the process of ordering your Woven Wrap!  Perhaps PAXbaby’s Woven Wrap guide can answer a few questions, and this list of carrying positions will be quite handy to you as you choose your wrap!

*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

nati sleepingbaby angel bamberoo kokadi Je Porte Mon Bebe hopp girasol babylonia emei tula tekhni beco lennylamb wrapsody
nati sleepingbaby angel bamberoo kokadi Je Porte Mon Bebe hopp girasol babylonia emei tula tekhni beco lennylamb wrapsody