Thank you to TBW for this comprehensive list of Woven Wrap carries & techniques!  Please read about wearing Woven Wraps here at PAXbaby’s Woven Wrap Guide and study up on your wrapping techniques here at PAXbaby’s Woven Wrap Carry List!  If you want to learn more about wraps, let us know!  We have a team of babywearing experts available to help you!

As you experiment please take utmost precaution with your baby!  Practice over a bed, have a spotter, and please do not attempt to back carry with a baby who cannot sit unassisted!  Read more about babywearing safety here! PAXbaby cannot recommend the cradle carry position as it is not a natural position for the legs/hips/spine and also because of the significantly increased risk of positional asphyxia. The positions below will help you keep your baby upright & wrapped in natural positions! When the time comes to wrap in the great outdoors, take your time, don’t be nervous, and ignore the crowd that will gather to watch you do this amazing feat – take it as a compliment to your skills; go ahead and take a bow at the end!

PAXbPAXbaby Earthy Rainbow woven wrap girasol ring sling

*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!

hopp emei nati kokadi bamberoo beco tekhni girasol lennylamb wrapsody sleepingbaby angel Je Porte Mon Bebe tula babylonia
hopp emei nati kokadi bamberoo beco tekhni girasol lennylamb wrapsody sleepingbaby angel Je Porte Mon Bebe tula babylonia