My babywearing story by Tina:

Babywearing to me is more than about convenience. It is about creating a bond of closeness and security. I am the mom of two beautiful girls, 4 months and almost 4 years old. Babywearing has been a lifesaver over the course of my daughter’s life. I first started wearing Kassidy in a Moby wrap as a newborn. We quickly moved onto a Snuggli and eventually (her favorite) an Ergo. We still wear her on our backs in the Ergo (and on days when she needs extra cuddles on the front.)

PAXbaby babywearing Ergo

Kassidy is a differently abled child, she has as medical condition that has left her unable to walk (currently….we are working on forever!!). Babywearing was our lifesaver as we trekked across the northeast (from  Boston, to Baltimore, to Philly, to Syracuse) for medical appointments. It was so easy to navigate hospitals, subways, metros, trains, airports, and congested sidewalks while  wearing Kassidy.

More importantly, babywearing has kept Kassidy close when she was nervous for “one more test” (or when I was nervous for one more procedure). It helped keep her calm (and Mommy & Daddy calm). I have worn her during blood work, when IVs were inserted, and during talks with the doctor. When Kassidy had to go to the hospital, she would be comforted by snuggling close to us in the wrap or ergo. It made all the difference. Kassidy is a rock star at doctor appointments. I firmly believe is because we kept her close, high and near us during the crucial, scary moments.

PAXbaby Babywearing Ergo

I am proud to say I am a babywearing mom of two. I encourage all moms to wear their babies.

*happy babywearing*

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