2 years today, the PAXbaby family packed our belongings into 11 suitcases, duffelbags, and backpacks, and set off on a 5 month adventure!!! We took 5 children under 7 millions of miles away to explore New Zealand and Australia, and returned back home to Southern California filled with memories & promises! We promise we will go back again, we promise we will never forget the gorgeous scenery, the lovely people, the warm welcome we received everywhere we went! Traveling was fun, exciting, and downright crazy with this many little ones, however we both owe babywearing a HUGE thank you for making traveling as easy as possible with a baby and a busy toddler! Both the PAXdaddy and I wore our baby carriers pretty much all day every day when we were exploring, whether hiking through rain forests avoiding huge man sized spiderwebs, visiting museums and monuments in major cities, or walking on white sand beaches watching dolphins in the surf! 2 years later, the memories are still vivid: the way the air smelled clean and fresh even in metropolises, the surprise we got when we realized the constellations in the night sky were all different, the unusual habit of everyone – even grown people – to walk barefoot everywhere! I’ll be posting regularly babywearing pictures from our Down Under experience so we can relive the fun together!
sounds like an awesome trip. You guys are my heros since I can barely pack up 2 kids under 2 to get to the grocery store!