
One of the most common questions we get here at PAXbaby from people who NEED a GREAT carrier that’s easy to use and quick to toss on is “which one of these SSCs is best for me?”  A carrier is a lot like that perfect pair of jeans–no one carrier will fit any two wearers exactly the same!



But PAXbaby carries at least eleventy-billion (at last count) carriers, you say!  How is one supposed to narrow it down to just ONE?  (Or two… or five… 😉 )  Enter PAXbaby’s NEW SSC Carrier Comparison Matrix!  This handy dandy chart can quickly help you narrow down your options and find true babywearing BLISS!!  And of course, please email us if you have any questions or need help narrowing down your options!


Overwhelmed?  Consider renting a carrier or three to try before you buy with PAXbaby’s Sling Exchange rental program!


*happy babywearing*



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