Comments on: Please beware!!! *happy babywearing* Thu, 31 Dec 2020 14:58:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: mizzliz08 Thu, 31 Mar 2016 18:17:14 +0000 It is the beco butterfly espresso which i forgot to mention

By: mizzliz08 Thu, 31 Mar 2016 18:16:38 +0000 I found a baby carrier at my local thrift store. Everything checks out from stress test to company info and website EXCEPT the Batch number. It says G1REC122012
I hoping it means Reconditioned or something, please help!

By: PAXmommy Mel Thu, 29 Aug 2013 04:11:46 +0000 OH NO!!!

By: Megan Wed, 21 Aug 2013 18:44:02 +0000 Just got suckered into a fake Beco Butterfly 2 only I paid market price and the only reason i bought off ebay was because it was discontinued šŸ™ I Pray I can get my money back and invest in a real carrier šŸ™

By: jillian Fri, 03 Feb 2012 07:23:58 +0000 Thank you, Kimberly! I agree šŸ™

By: Kimberley Fri, 03 Feb 2012 05:20:46 +0000 Thank you for warning everyoneā€¦regardless of who did what, I appreciate being warned!

But IMO anyone knowingly involved in scams like this especially involving human lives..YOUNG human lives.. at that, should be punished to the full extent of the law.

By: JessicaArizona Mon, 08 Aug 2011 06:32:01 +0000 Thanks Jillian for doing the right thing and spreading awareness for the SAFETY of all our babies!!!!!

By: Katie Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:26:31 +0000 Thank you, Jillian.

It was the mamaā€™s responsibility to make sure that the products she was disbursing were safe products. It was irresponsible not to do so. Whether or not she *knew* they were fake, she should have at least looked into their safety. She is to blame for that much. The ā€œI didnā€™t know cardā€ just means you are at fault for not knowing. Sorry, but these arenā€™t fake purses. They are something you put your most precious cargo into ā€“ your baby!

By: Michele Thu, 04 Aug 2011 13:50:12 +0000 I wonā€™t buy a fake purse or a fake Ergo. It really bothers me that our so-called morals are so lacking that we willingly pay liars and cheaters for fake merchandise because we have a need for status items.

Better to have a real, used Ergo than a fake, new knock-off.

By: Kasaundra Thu, 04 Aug 2011 07:09:29 +0000 That is awful!! Thanks for the warning!! I have wanted an ergo for a while and I probably would have bought one thinking that they are ok. Thanks for the warning!!

By: Mandy Thu, 04 Aug 2011 05:34:24 +0000 Buying from China is not the issue. It is buying FAKE merchandise that is a problem. And I have screen shots that show you DID know they were fake and you didnā€™t care.

By: Megan Thu, 04 Aug 2011 00:54:53 +0000 <3 your comment Amber. It's killing our economy that we don't manufacture hardly anything here anymore. It seems like no one really gets that:(. I would love to buy all USA-made products, but it seems so freaking hard to do.

By: Allison Thu, 04 Aug 2011 00:41:18 +0000 Thank you, Jillian. Iā€™m so happy you made a post about this and that the word is getting around.

As for the seller being a victim, give me a freakinā€™ break. Boo hoo. She chose this path knowing that these were fake. No pitty party coming from my end for her.

By: Amber Thu, 04 Aug 2011 00:01:31 +0000 Iā€™m kind of surprised that no one has mentioned how devastating this is to Ergo. This company started with a WAHM. Cheating the company out sales further degrades our own economy. It amazes me that everyone complains about the recession, but instead of buy quality, we buy quantity, for our lender ā€” basic economics anyone??

By: Megan Wed, 03 Aug 2011 23:52:36 +0000 One thing I think that there seems to be confusion on is the difference between off-brand and illegally imported knock off. One comment that was made in defense of the co-op was that a supporter felt that all of the Mamas who have a problem with the fake ā€œErgosā€ likely bought ā€œknock-offsā€ in their daily life too (i.e. food, auto parts etc etc etc all made in China). THE DIFFERENCE IS THESE ARE ALL REGULATED!!!!!!!!! (although, unfortunately not always well, they are still all regulated, unlike these fake Ergos). The off-brand products are not being sold under a false name without the real companyā€™s knowledge. They have their own brand name (therefore it isnā€™t ILLEGAL). Secondly, because they are regulated, they are less likely (we hope) to be unsafe, even if they do come from China. These fake Ergos are considered illegal imports because not only are they using a trademarked company name that is not theirs, but because they have IN NO WAY been tested or deemed safe. If a Mom thinks thatā€™s good enough for her little one, that is her prerogative (although still illegal). It should be obvious why concern exists that these fake, unregulated, very likely unsafe, illegal ā€œErgosā€ will flood the swaps and other resale venues to unknowingly be bought by Mamas who would not chose to buy such a risky carrier if they knew what they were getting. The utter lack of logic on this issue is appalling. To act as if the women who take issue with this co-op are just a bunch of uptight busy-bodies with too much time on their hands (just some sentiments that Iā€™ve seen voiced), is laughable. It may not matter to you (general) that you donā€™t know what kind of quality youā€™re carrying your baby with, but to the majority of us, it does. Not because weā€™re snobs, but because safety is paramount when itā€™s something that is holding our children (just like carseats, cribs, highchairs, etc, etc, etc, etc). It is sad that the women who are trying to keep babywearing safe are the ones being slammed for stepping up and saying something. The whole point of buying an Ergo is quality, safety, and comfort for your child. You are guaranteed none of those things with an illegally imported fake Ergo, so why even bother purchasing one??

Thank you again Jillian. The vast majority of us think you rock.

By: Ann Wed, 03 Aug 2011 23:47:01 +0000 Itā€™s also worth noting that the WAHM who organized this co-op did ask her source for ā€œErgosā€ if they were authentic. The response she got was cryptic, she published it on her website & stated that her interpertation of the email was that they were infact authentic Ergos. She had many people involved in the co-op who believed they were getting a real Ergo.

By: Sarah Wed, 03 Aug 2011 23:26:29 +0000 Wow some friend *eyeroll. I canā€™t believe someone even defended this.oftentimes our actions affect others this instance could have hurt innocent babies. On a larger scale this could have affected the baby wearing industry in general. Shame shame.

By: Christine Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:17:00 +0000 Aside from safety issues, even if she was trying to help moms get a good deal (if we can even call an inferior carrier a good deal), itā€™s ILLEGAL. The company in question is using fake tags and such with Ergoā€™s brand on them. You canā€™t just take any companyā€™s trademarked name/logo and slap it on something that is NOT made by them. And this woman KNOWS the carriers are fake, which makes it even worse. Warning someone that it may be fake doesnā€™t make it better.

By: Kara Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:11:25 +0000 As a responsible baby wearer and carrier supplier, Jillian did the right thing by warning the women of the co-op about the dangers. It was ignored. The person who imported them is not a victim, she knew they were fake, and thatā€™s illegal, and itā€™s dangerous.

By: Jessica Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:07:57 +0000 I also wanted to add the I donā€™t use my fake Coach bag to carry my childā€¦And I DO have a fake Coach bag; but I promise you my Ergo is real (:
