Comments on: Wearing Wednesday *happy babywearing* Thu, 31 Dec 2020 14:58:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: jillian Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:51:00 +0000 Backpack carriers are great for storage while hiking etc, but you want to keep baby’s body in an ergonomic position as best you can! Tuck baby’s feet into the waistband to maintain the M positioning while seated (instead of having dangling legs) and bring a travel pillow or roll a blanket to support baby’s head for an impromptu nap!!!

By: Jenica Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:36:11 +0000 So if you need to use a structured carrier (we have a Kelty FC3) how do you make it right? We like to use it when we’re hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing.
